International Law

Coalition for the International Criminal Court

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) is the primary NGO provider of online information about the International Criminal Court. There is a link to the International Criminal Court (ICC) website detailing stages in its implementation. The site provides organisational, historical and general information on the ICC along with details of updates and developments, current cases and situations.There are documents from the United Nations, governments and non-governmental organizations accessible on the site.

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

The Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law is a research institute carrying out research in the following areas: public international law; comparative constitutional and administrative law; international environmental law; European constitutional law and administrative law. The site has information on the history and organisation of the Institute, staff and trustees and publication details. There is a link to the library's OPAC and links to other research schools of the Max Planck Institute. The site can be viewed in English and German.

Institute of Maritime Law

The Institute of Maritime Law is the largest centre in the United Kingdom for the study of maritime law and for teaching, research and consultancy in the subject. This site contains general information about the Institute, its staff, and its activities, as well as information about courses the Institute runs which are designed for those working in the field of maritime law. A comprehensive list of relevant links is also provided, as well as details of publications and events.

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is an online search service that provides access to environmental treaties and the national resource indicators relevant to those treaties. The service is provided by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Subject areas covered include soil quality/conservation, water, sea, marine resources, air, plants, forests, animals, hazardous substances, land use, renewable energy and natural resources.

Center For World Indigenous Studies

The Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) is an independent, non-profit research and education organisation dedicated to wider understanding and appreciation of the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and the social, economic and political situation of indigenous nations. The Center is active in areas of international law, health policy and public debate. The website provides information about CWIS activities, which include research, seminars, courses and fellowships.

Chatham House

Chatham House was founded in 1920 (as the Royal Institute of International Affairs) to stimulate debate and research on important developments in the international arena. Its website contains details about the Institute, its members, publications and recent events. Some documents can be viewed online, others are offered to subscribers only. All aspects of British foreign policy and international security are covered, including US foreign policy and the 'war against terrorism' and the Middle-East conflict.

GATT digital library: 1947-1994

The GATT Digital Library is a joint project of Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The library provides access to documents and information of and about the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) including reports, studies and meeting records. Documents can be browsed by issuing body or searched using a simple keyword search or advanced search option. Documents have bibliographic records and can be viewed in full-text (PDF).

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