International Law

Chicago Journal of International Law

The Chicago Journal of International Law (CJIL) is published twice yearly by the University of Chicago Law School. It is an interdisciplinary publication covering international law and policy. Contents pages for every issue of the journal are available on the CJIL website and abstracts are provided for most of the earlier articles, but the full text is only available with a Westlaw subscription. The website also gives details of the CJIL Management Board and staff members.

Secretariat for Legal Affairs, Organization of American States

The Secretariat for Legal Affairs forms part of the Organization for American States (OAS) providing advice and legal services to the OAS in the field of public international law and private international law. The OAS is a regional forum for dialogue and cooperation on political, economic and social issues in the Americas. The site explains the work of the Inter-American Specialized Conferences on Private International Law (CIDIP) who produce international instruments such as conventions, protocols, uniform documents and model laws which are provided on the site.

World Trade Organization Documents Online

Online database of World Trade Organization (WTO) and GATT official documents, including official records of committees and other WTO bodies, legal texts and agreements, background papers, sessions of the Ministerial Conference and papers from conferences and seminars. Detailed search facilities are available and documents can be browsed by subject or meeting. It is also possible to browse the most recent or most popular material on the database.

International Water Law Project

The website of the International Water Law Project (IWLP) is produced by Gabriel Eckstein who is Professor of Law at the Texas Tech University School of Law in the United States. The site provides access to documents, case law, a bibliography, a list of water law experts and a page of web links to water related legal resources. Case law is compiled from the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice with some cases made available in full. World Water News gives summaries and links to full-text news stories relating to water issues going back to 2000.

International Water Law Bibliography

An online bibliography of international water law resources compiled by Gabriel Eckstein who is Professor of Law at the Texas Tech University School of Law in the United States and made freely available on his International Water Law Project website. The bibliography is divided up by subject including Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Latin America, pollution, ethics, groundwater and economics. There are also headings for United Nations and World Bank materials and for statistics.

Hertfordshire Law Journal

The Hertfordshire Law Journal (HLJ) is published twice yearly by the University of Hertfordshire's Centre for International Law and is made available on their website for free. The HLJ was launched in 2002 and focuses on international commercial law and policy. It is aimed at academics, practitioners and those in the business community.

World Trade Organization

WTO research guide compiled by the Peace Palace Library at The Hague. Gives a brief introduction to the WTO, a bibliography and links to blogs and other web resources. Also mentions relevant databases. The guide is primarily intended for users of the Peace Palace Library, so it focuses on print and online material available at the Library; however, the information is also of interest to other researchers. The guide is in English.

Journal of International Economic Law

Web pages of the Journal of International Economic Law, which is published by Oxford University Press (OUP). The site provides free access to contents and abstracts and subscribers can read full-text articles dating from 1998 onwards. The journal is aimed at scholars, government officials and legal professionals and includes editorials, articles, book reviews and notes. The journal looks at legal issues relating to international economic activity.

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