International Law

Yearbook of the United Nations

The Yearbook of the United Nations records the work of the United Nations, covering all areas of its responsibility. Each Yearbook lists all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions. It also contains information on major UN decisions, lists of key personnel and appointments, details of budgets and key UN reforms. The website provides all volumes, 1946-2006. A single volume can be selected from a drop-down menu. There is also a search facility which can search either the entire series or shorter date-ranges.

Amsterdam Law Forum

The Amsterdam Law Forum is an open access journal produced by the Law Faculty at VU University in Amsterdam. The journal is published quarterly and contains articles on contemporary international, European and comparative law, scientific papers and book reviews.

Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

This section of the International Labour Organization (ILO) website deals with the employment rights of indigenous and tribal peoples. There is background information on the ILOãs work with indigenous and tribal peoples and details of ILO projects designed to provide support and assistance to these people and to governments. Full text copies of international legal instruments promoting the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples are provided on the site along with their ratifications and an account of the effects these conventions have had.

Introduction to public international law research

Research guide providing an introduction to public international law and highlighting the key information sources, written by Vicenç Feliú, Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian at Louisiana State University. Last updated in 2016, the guide is available on the Globalex website. It defines 'international law' and gives an introduction to key bodies, including the United Nations, the European Union and the specialised agencies of the UN. There is guidance to researching treaties, with links to collections of treaties and treaty research guides.

L'Institut de Droit international

The Institute of International Law is a learned society that promotes the development of international law. It was established in 1873 and is based in Belgium. Membership is drawn from eminent international lawyers from around the world. The website provides a history of the institute and the text of its statutes; online versions of the Yearbook of the Institute of International Law from 1873 to 2000; the Institute's resolutions, reports and declarations; a bibliography of publications by and about the Institute; and a directory of members.

International Union of Notaries

The International Union of Notaries is a non-governmental organisation that co-ordinates and develops the notarial profession around the world. Its website provides information about the Union, including its statutes and bye-laws, and lists the national notarial bodies that belong to it. The functions and ethical principles of the notarial profession are outlined.

International Rule of Law Directory

Global directory of organisations working to support the rule of law, compiled by the International Bar Association (IBA). Ten areas of activity are covered: administration of justice; alternative dispute resolution; assisting lawyers and human rights defenders; assisting law schools and universities; legal protection of human rights; assisting police and prison workers; assisting refugees and asylum seekers; financial assistance to uphold the rule of law; promoting law reform; and research. The Directory can be searched or browsed.

Researching customary international law, state practice and the pronouncements of states regarding international law

Guide to customary international law (CIL) research by Silke Sahl published on New York University's Globalex website in 2007 and updated by Renu Urvashi Sagreiya in 2024. The guide gives an introduction to CIL and outlines sources of state practice including official pronouncements, treaties, national laws and the documentation of international organisations and courts. Printed and online research resources are suggested, such as foreign ministry websites and yearbooks of international law.

Collection Development Policies and Other Basic Tools for Building A Foreign and International Law Collection

Guide to building a foreign and international law collection, by Barbara H. Garavaglia, Librarian Emerita and Former Director of the University of Michigan Law Library, and Seth Quidachay-Swan, Head of Collection Development and Access Services at the University of Michigan Law Library. Available on New York University's Globalex website, it covers the organisation of the foreign law section and of international and transnational material.

Research guide on TRIPS and compulsory licensing:access to innovative pharmaceuticals for least developed countries

Online guide focusing on the legal and economic factors preventing poorer countries gaining access to innovative drugs, by patent attorney Do Hyung Kim. Pubished on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, it gives background information about the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and looks at the problems of compulsory licensing, such as the risks of arbitrage and counterfeit drugs.

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