International Law

ASIL Insights

Free online newsletter produced by the American Society of International Law. ASIL Insights publishes pieces highlighting developments in international law, aiming to inform decision-makers, the legal profession and the public by means of short articles. The current issue is available together with an archive going back to 1996. It is possible to register on the website for free email delivery or and RSS feed.

International Law in Brief

International Law in Brief is an online blog following and examining developments in international law. The blog is prepared by the Attorney-Editors of International Legal Materials, a core publication of The American Society of International Law. International Law in Brief contains analytical abstracts of significant documents including treaties, other international agreements, legislation, judicial decisions, reports and other documents with links to the full text.

American Journal of International Law

Web pages for the American Journal of International Law, a scholarly journal published by the American Society of International Law. AJIL has been published quarterly since 1907. It features articles and editorials, notes and comment by preeminent scholars on developments in international law and international relations. The website provides selected articles in full, the table of contents from the latest issue, and an international law blog.

Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review

Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review is an exclusively online law journal. The Review's primary purpose is to examine the tensions created by advances in computing, telecommunications, biotechnology, multimedia, networking, information and other technologies. Founded in 1994, MTTLR was one of the first law journals to use interactive media to promote informed discourse about the interrelated legal, social, business, and public policy issues raised by emerging technologies. The website archive contains articles from volume 1 (Fall 1994 - Spring 1995) onwards.

ASIL Guide To Electronic Resources for International Law

A web guide comprising structured compilations of links to international law resources on the Internet. The guide is developed by the American Society of International Law. Web resources are the major focus, but coverage includes other electronic formats, such as online services, as appropriate. Also, comparisons to printed resources are made as necessary, either to explain better the advantages or disadvantages of a particular electronic resource, or to indicate that certain types of information are not yet available in an electronic format.

Melbourne University Law Review

Website for the Melbourne University Law Review, published under this title since 1957 by students at the University of Melbourne Law School. The Review is a refereed academic journal with an international circulation and reputation. Run by a student editorial committee, it is published three times yearly (April, August and December) and seeks to encourage debate on legal issues as well as provide a forum for legal research and thinking. The Review publishes articles on all areas of law, from constitutional to international, jurisprudence to tax.

Brooklyn Journal of International Law

Web pages for the print journal, Brooklyn Journal of International Law (ISSN 0740-4824, which is published three times a year by students at the Brooklyn Law School, New York, USA. The editors aim to produce a scholarly publication devoted to various developments in the expanding field of international law, with articles covering topics of interest to academic lawyers and practitioners. Articles consider both general international legal matters and legal issues in individual jurisdictions. The print journal was established in 1975.

New York University Environmental Law Journal

Comprehensive website for the New York University Environmental Law Journal, established in 1992 at the New York University School of Law. The journal aims to encourage environmental protection and stimulate clear and responsible discussion of environmental law and policy. Articles are written by legal academics, practitioners and students specialising in the field. They consider questions of environmental law and policy from a variety of perspectives. An archive offers full-text articles, notes, speeches and book reviews published in the journal from volume 1, 1992 onwards.

Ko'aga Rone'eta: a journal of human rights

Ko'aga Rone'eta is an online journal of human rights and humanitarian affairs, produced as a joint publication of Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights (Internet based human rights organisations). Ko'aga Rone'eta offers articles on human rights and humanitarian issues written by professionals and students of the field. Articles are organized by 9 main topics or series. Some documents are in English and others in Spanish. The journal aims to encourage thinking about human rights issues and promote human rights recognition worldwide.

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