International Law

Canadian Council on International Law

The Canadian Council on International Law was established in 1972 to promote study and analysis in the field of international law by academic, government and practising lawyers and their students. The site describes the organisation, its annual conference, membership and activities. Commentaries on international legal issues are available, along with brief details of recent events and legal developments from around the world. Additional content on the site is restricted to members only. The interface is available in English and French language but most of the content is in English only.

International Law Association

Website of the International Law Association (ILA), an organization which was established in 1873 to study international law and promote its development. Its work includes the drafting of rules and treaties and the production of commissioned reports. The site presents information about the Association, its history, officers and current activities. Issues of the ILA Newsletter are also available, and the committee pages include conference reports and resolutions.

International Law Institute

The International Law Institute is a non-profit research and educational institution based in Washington, DC, USA. It organises training programmes on different aspects of law, including international law, trade law, international development, and the US legal system. A schedule of forthcoming training programmes is available, with details of course content and intended participants and costs. Training topics include evaluation systems, procurement, and legal drafting. An annual orientation course on the US legal system is also publicised.

Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea

The Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) was established in 1984 at the Utrecht University. NILOS is a research institution involved with all issues related to the law of the sea, including conservation of marine natural resources. The site describes the activities of the Institute and its staff, outlining the program of work, research and training projects and consultancy services. Work concentrates particularly on the processes by which a new international law of the sea is formed and national responsibilities for regulation.

International Court of Justice

Website of the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The site lists cases currently being heard by the Court and cases pending and provides information about the Court's role, jurisdiction and procedure. All judgments and advisory opinions are available, together with the decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Other basic documentation includes the Court's statute, its rules, and the resolution on judicial practice. The site also available in English, French, Spanish and other languages.

Ius Commune Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe

Web pages describing a research project aiming to develop a collection of cases and other materials from different European jurisdictions. A broader aim is to investigate the influences upon and potential integration of legal systems in the member states of the European Union. The site describes the organisation, work and progress of the project and provides the contents lists and tables of cases and legislation from each casebook.

Netherlands Institute of International Relations

The Netherlands Institute of International Relations, sometimes known as Clingendael, is an independent research body which specialises in work relating to conflict, international organisations, the European Union, NATO and the United Nations. Its website provides access to information on its purpose and current research. It includes research reports on all aspects of international conflict and security worldwide and access to the Institute's library catalogue. All information is available in English.

FLAG Foreign Law Guide

FLAG is a searchable directory of foreign and international law holdings in UK libraries. It helps to identify the best locations for particular materials and so makes foreign and international law more accessible to researchers. The database can be searched by jurisdiction, type of legal literature, and/or region of the UK in which the material is available. The FLAG website also provides background information, reports and other documentation, together with details of database updates.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Legal Office

Official site for the Legal Office of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The office provides legal advisory services to member nations, particularly in the areas of legislative and treaty drafting. The site lists member states with the date of membership, publishes news highlights from the office, details of print publications ordered via the site, and occasional papers in PDF format. A collection of basic FAO texts including the constitution, rules of procedure of committees and policy documents are also available.

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