International Law

Columbia Law School Research Guides

A series of International, Comparative and Foreign Law Web guides prepared by Silke Sahl, International, Comparative and Foreign Law Librarian at the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School, New York, USA. Each guide is presented in HTML format and suggests relevant legal research resources with bibliographic details, local library locations and website addresses. The guides cover topics such as: Treaty Research; the United Nations; Researching Public International law; and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Texts adopted by the Congress of local and regional authorities

Collection of legal texts adopted by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) and its forerunner, the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. The Congress is an institution of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the texts are on the CoE website. The collection comprises: resolutions and opinions (1957- ); conventions and charters; recommendations (1994 - ); the Council of Ministers' replies to recommendations (2003 - ); and the final declarations adopted at the close of international conferences and meetings.

International Law Commission

Website of the International Law Commission (ILC), which was created in 1947 by the UN to assist in the development, promotion and codification of international law. Documentation arising from annual sessions of the ILC is available on the site back to 1949. A research guide is provided, which gives access to individual texts, instruments and reports adopted by the ILC. The annual reports and yearbooks of the International Law Commission are available from 1949 onwards.

Treaty Reference Guide

This reference guide is available free on the website of the United Nations Treaty Collection. Part I explains and defines the different types of international instrument, such as treaties, conventions, charters, protocols, declarations, memoranda of understanding and exchanges of notes. Part II is a glossary of terms relating to treaty actions, such as accession, deposit, entry into force, modification, ratification and signature ad referendum. The guide is in available in English or French; html, pdf or plain text versions are provided.

Directory of Arbitration Links and Arbitration Resources Online

Online version of a resource directory listing sources relating to commercial arbitration in the context of private international law, freely presented on the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) website. The Directory is organised in sections offering links to online resources such as: Treaties and Conventions; National Arbitration Laws; International, National and Regional Arbitral and ADR Institutions; Other Organisations, and Arbitration Resources Online. The Directory was originally compiled for print publication in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration by Rosabel E.

United Nations Documentation: Research Guide: International Law

A research guide produced by the United Nations Dag Hammarskj¸ld Library. The guide covers the work of the United Nations in the field of international law. The section on courts and tribunals covers the International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Court and the UN Administrative Tribunal.

Treaties and Other Sources of International Law

A research guide prepared and updated by librarians at the Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto, Canada. It offers commentary, research tips and details of websites and printed sources, including lists of finding tools for different categories of treaties. The guide has three main sections: public international law; private international law and foreign law; and notes on foreign law as part of international law.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : International Environmental Law

A chapter of the American Society of International Law's online Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law, concerned with International Environmental law. This chapter has been written by Anne Burnett, Reference and Foreign and International Law Librarian Law Library, University of Georgia School of Law, USA. The author provides an overview of the subject and suggests general search strategies for conducting legal research into international economic law on the Internet.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: International Economic Law

International economic law chapter of the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. The chapter, written and compiled by Jean M. Wenger who is Government Documents and Foreign and International Law Librarian at Cook County Law Library, provides an overview and commentary supported by links to websites. It identifies resources related to: international trade, international financial law, regional economic integration, international development law, private international law, international business regulation and intellectual property law.

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