International Law

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (formerly known as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference) was founded in 1969, and exists to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world. International agreements are available on its website under Conventions, on the topics of international relations, trade, investments, civil aviation and telecommunications. A list of OIC member states, which have signed / ratified agreements on economic, commercial and technical cooperation, is published. The OIC website is available in English, Arabic and French versions.

Riigi teataja

Website for the State Gazette of the republic of Estonia, an official online publication in so far as all documents and legislation contained are deemed to be official versions. Indeed, the paper version of the gazette was discontinued in 2010. Published in Estonian only, the site provides a full text database of Estonian legal acts. From the home page, recent issues are available to browse by date, along with news on upcoming legal instruments, or the search (täpne otsing) button can be selected which will allow searching over both consolidated and original legislation.

Estonian ministry of foreign affairs

Official website for the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available in Estonia, Russian, German and English, covering all areas of foreign policy and diplomacy, and international law. Contains the full text in English of all Estonian treaties (bilateral and multilateral), which can be searched from the ‘International agreements’ link. All legislation relating to the work of the ministry is provided in the relevant sections, translated into all the languages of the website.

International Olympic Committee

Official website of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) which since 1894 has been the international non-governmental organisation carrying final authority for the Olympic Movement. The site provides information about the composition, organisation, governance and financing of the IOC and includes a list of members who represent the IOC in their respective countries. Legislative functions are conducted by the Executive Board, which enacts regulations implementing the Olympic Charter, assisted by functional commissions responsible for areas such as ethics and sport and law.

Olympic Charter

The Olympic Charter is the founding document of the Olympic Movement, setting out the legal status of the International Olympic Committee and the required and exclusive role of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in dealing with mediation in any disputes arising in relation with the Olympic Games.

International Resources

Gateway to web resources for specific areas of international law, provided by Washburn University School of Law in the United States. The areas of law are listed alphabetically, from “Administrative law resources – international” to “Water law – international”, and for each area links to key websites are given. The resources covered include electronic journals, case law, bibliographies, treaties and more.

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