Official law website for the Principality of Monaco, provided by the Ministère d’Etat. The legislation section comprises the Monaco Constitution; the Civil Code, Penal Code, Commercial Code and other codes; it also has individual laws from 1920 onwards. Draft laws and recently passed laws are provided under the heading “Actualité législative”. The cases (“Jurisprudence”) section has all recent decisions of the Tribunal Suprême, plus selected earlier cases back to 1925; it also has decisions of the Cour de révision, Cour d’appel, Tribunal de première instance, Tribunal criminel, Tribunal correctionnel, Cour supérieur d’arbitrage, Tribunal du travail and Juge tutélaire. The Journal de Monaco – the official gazette – is available from April 1998 onwards. There are search facilities for legislation, cases and the Journal; the content of the website can also be browsed by category and date. The entire site is in French.
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