
Finding the Law of the Micro-States and Small Jurisdictions of Europe

Online guide, written by Andrew Grossman who is a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, to finding sources of primary and secondary law for “small jurisdictions” of Europe -defined as “political entities having a population under one million persons”. The guide was published in 2024 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives links to academic works on micro-states and to law libraries that hold printed materials on these jurisdictions.

Monegasque Cooperation for Development

This site provides information on Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation and the principality’s international development policy. Details of flagship projects are given and there is a searchable map showing where project assistance is targeted. Newsletters, occasional publications and a selection of links are also given. The site can be viewed in English and French.


Official law website for the Principality of Monaco, provided by the Ministère d’Etat. The legislation section comprises the Monaco Constitution; the Civil Code, Penal Code, Commercial Code and other codes; it also has individual laws from 1920 onwards. Draft laws and recently passed laws are provided under the heading “Actualité législative”.

Service d'Information et de Contrôle sur les Circuits Financiers - SICCFIN

Official site for the SICCFIN (Service d'Information et de Contrôle sur les Circuits Financiers) in Monaco concerned with Financial Services and regulation. The site outlines relevant Monegasque legislation with a chronology and links to the panel of laws involved in countering money laundering, terrorist funding and corruption. There are notes on measures enabling the freezing of funds and other economic sanctions and details of SICCFIN work on developing ways to cooperate on an international level. The site is presented in English and French language versions.

Monaco Red Cross

Official website of the Monaco Red Cross / La Croix-Rouge Monégasque, carrying information about the organisation's operations and actions in Monaco and around the world. There is an archive of press releases and news stories. The site is presented in English and French language versions.

Monaco Lawyer

A resource site and blog proving access to information about Monaco law including topics such as financial services, intellectual property, investment, residency, and taxation. The site is sponsored by the Monaco office of international law firm Berg and Duffy, LLP. The site includes selected legislation in original French text, unofficial translation into English and official translations where they are available. Information is freely available on site which also offers a login account facility for the blog.

Translations of selected Monaco Treaties

Translations of selected Monaco treaties made freely available in the Monaco information section of Berg and Duffy, LLP website - international lawyers with offices in Monaco. The site aims to provide unofficial translations of treaty texts and analysis alongside official translations where they are available. Content includes comment on the treaty on cooperation and relations between Monaco and France signed October 24, 2002, that materially revised their July 17, 1918 treaty. Some described texts on the site are still to be supplied.

Journal de Monaco

Online version of the official bulletin of Monaco made freely available on the Principality's official government Website. The journal is published weekly and contains the text of legislative materials including laws, ordinances, decrees and legal announcements. The site presents the journal from April 1998 onwards to date offering a facility to browse issues by date, subject topic or by type of document or legal instrument. A search form for free-text keyword queries is also provided.

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