case law

Supreme Civil and Criminal Court of Greece

Website of the Greek Supreme Court (Areios Pagos). The English interface has judgments from 2006 onwards, browsable by year or searchable by case number and/or keyword (key words must be in Greek). Historical information about the court is also available in English. The Greek version of the site gives additional information, including press releases, frequently asked questions and a section covering the Supreme Judicial Council.

European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) Search Engine

Search facility covering the national case databases of the EU member states that use ECLI references, plus cases from the Court of Justice of the EU. Searchable by member state, court, area of law and other criteria. Key word searches must, as a rule, use the language of the member state/s whose cases you want to find, however, a small proportion of the cases have been translated into other languages. The search engine is one of the tools offered by the European e-Justice Portal, an initiative of the European Commission and EU member states.

ASEAN Judiciaries Portal

Launched in 2018, the ASEAN Judiciaries Portal (AJP), produced by the Council of ASEAN Chief Justices (CACJ), provides information about the judiciaries and legal environments of the ASEAN member states. On the main site there are pages dedicated to the CACJ activities and training courses offered, as well as a case repository. The portal also includes sections specific to the various member states, including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Australian case law

This guide to Australian case law is compiled by the University of Melbourne and made freely available on its website. The guide outlines where to go to locate case law, gives annotated links to various resources and provides jurisdiction-specific pages covering the main reports produced for each state/territory and for Commonwealth Australia.

The Bookshelf

A database of Philippine primary legislation, cases and reference material, compiled by the Supreme Court of the Philippines. Covers Supreme Court cases, laws, executive issuances, references and treaties. The Supreme Court cases section of the Bookshelf encompasses decisions and signed resolutions back to 1996 only, but cases are available back to 1901 using the search facility (E-Library Search). The Laws section covers acts, constitutions, presidential decrees and other legislative material from 1900 to the present.

International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) is the UN institution responsible for dealing with matters that were formerly the responsibility of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), both of which have been wound up. The work of the Mechanism includes hearing appeals, enforcing sentences and keeping records. Its website has details of ongoing cases, and a case database with&nb

Romanian Ministry of Justice

Website of the Romanian Ministry of Justice, the government department with responsibility for the administration of justice and the judiciary. Background and organisational information on the Ministry of Justice is given, along with relevant legislation and caselaw. There are guides and manuals on judicial cooperation between Romania and the EU and links are given to full-text versions of the various legal codes, including the Civil Code, Criminal Code and Insolvency Code.

The World’s Abortion Laws

Continually-updated interactive map of global abortion laws, produced by the Center for Reproductive Rights, a non-profit legal advocacy organisation based in the United States. The map is colour-coded to show how restrictive or liberal each jurisdiction’s abortion regime is, and further details are available when users click on a country. The ‘In Focus’ feature provides the text of abortion provisions for 56 key jurisdictions. The map is downloadabe in pdf format. The interactive version has a search facility and a country comparison tool.

CRIN: Child Rights International Network

CRIN is a UK-based non-profit organisation engaged in research, policy and advocacy in the field of children’s rights. Its work ifocuses on the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The Library section of the CRIN website includes a collection of UN documentation, a legal database and information about rights organisations. The legal database contains case summaries, national legislation, constitutions, treaties, standards, resolutions and other material on the subject of children’s rights; it is searchable by CRC article number, country and other criteria.

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