case law


A portal managed by the Portuguese Ministério da Justiça. Features include a database which allows users to perform searches related to the Portuguese court system and the allocation of cases to the different courts. The service covers different types of court including the Court of First Instance, appeal courts, administrative and regional courts and provides links to their websites and also to those of related government departments. Other resources covered include the court libraries and the Leis da Justiça project managed by the Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ).

Trade disputes panel of Solomon Islands

Forming part of the PACLII website, this page gives access to electronic versions of over 100 selected decisions from the trade disputes panel of Solomon Islands, from 1990 through to the present day, and is regularly updated. Cases can be browsed both alphabetically and by year. Alternatively, the database search option can be selected, which will allow searching across the entire dataset.

Bibliothèque Cujas: Cuj@sthèque

The website of Bibliothèque Cujas in Paris includes a suite of legal research resources called  'Cujasthèque'. The Jurisguide section gives an overview of French legal publications and provides introductions to many different aspects of French legal research, some intended for students, some for academics. Full research guides are provided under ‘Guides et tutoriels’, covering legislation, case law, doctrinal writing, journals, mélanges and parliamentary publications; their main focus is on French law, but other countries, the EU, the Council of Europe and the UN are also included. Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle: marques, brevets, sociétés, dessins, modèles

Inpi is a French public body with responsibility for industrial and intellectual property. It helps to formulate public policy on intellectual property in France, and it registers and grants patents, trademarks, models and designs. One of its aims is to publish information on industrial property in France. The databases provided on this website include trademarks, patents, designs, models and many decisions of the French courts dealing with intellectual property. The BOPI, Bulletins Officiels de la Propriété Industrielle, are also available.

Parliament of Canada

The website of the Parliament of Canada provides information about the work, organisation and history of the Canadian Senate, House of Commons and parliamentary committees. Details of current legislation and the work of previous sessions are given. Debates and committee minutes are available from 1996 onwards and bills or acts from 1994 onwards . Other official publications on the site include committee reports and minutes of committee proceedings. There is a directory of current Members of both Houses. The About Parliament section includes historical and procedural information.

Web links: Canada

Set of links to Canadian law websites, compiled by the Law Library at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. Covers research guides and gateways; legislative materials and treaties; courts and caselaw; government; news; law schools and libraries; law societies and organizations; law firm directories; publishers; and blogs.

FindLaw Cases and Codes

Findlaw is a US website owned by Thomson Reuters. Its Cases and Codes section provides free access to federal case law, the US Constitution and the US Code (a compilation of federal laws in force). State constitutions, state case law and some state codes are also available, together with materials such as bills and city ordinances. The case law files typically go back to the 1990s, but the US Supreme Court opinions go back to 1893.


Dec.Nat is a database of information about national courts' decisions relating to European Union law. Provided by the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, it covers more than 20,000 decisions, from 1959 to the present. Each record gives details of the court, parties, case references, subject and legislation considered, together with law report citations. The full text of the decision is not included. Dec.Nat. is available in English and French.

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