The website of Bibliothèque Cujas in Paris includes a suite of legal research resources called 'Cujasthèque'. The Jurisguide section gives an overview of French legal publications and provides introductions to many different aspects of French legal research, some intended for students, some for academics. Full research guides are provided under ‘Guides et tutoriels’, covering legislation, case law, doctrinal writing, journals, mélanges and parliamentary publications; their main focus is on French law, but other countries, the EU, the Council of Europe and the UN are also included. Tables of contents from European and US comparative law journals are available (‘Revue de sommaires en droit comparé’) and there is also a set of annotated links to law websites from around the world ('Annuaire des sites'). The Publications section provides bibliographies on the law relating to women, sports law, German law and the State of Israel; recent issues of the Library’s newsletter; and papers relating to study days on legal information topics. The site is entirely in French.
Bibliothèque Cujas: Cuj@sthèque
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Bibliotheque Cujas|Cujastheque
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