A database of Philippine primary legislation, cases and reference material, compiled by the Supreme Court of the Philippines. Covers Supreme Court cases, laws, executive issuances, references and treaties. The Supreme Court cases section of the Bookshelf encompasses decisions and signed resolutions back to 1996 only, but cases are available back to 1901 using the search facility (E-Library Search). The Laws section covers acts, constitutions, presidential decrees and other legislative material from 1900 to the present. The Executive Issuances section includes administrative, executive, and memorandum orders, as well as memorandum circulars, national administrative registers, and presidential proclamations. Within the References section, materials include records from constitutional conventions and commissions, reference material for judges, and official gazettes. Available in HTML text with printer-friendly formats. No registration required as it is public access, and in English language only.
The Bookshelf
Alternative title
Supreme Court e-Library
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