
Office of the Revenue Commissioners

The Office of the Revenue Commissioners is the Irish government body responsible for collecting taxes and duties and implementing import and export controls in Ireland. Its website has information about the services of the Revenue, taxation and duties. Tax legislation, tax treaties, official guidelines, annual reports and other documents are also provided. The site can be viewed in English or Irish; some content is also available in a variety of other languages.

Irish Treaty Library

A collection of treaties from the Irish Treaty Series, available on the BAILII website. All Irish treaties since 2002, plus a selection of earlier treaties, are available in full; for many other treaties, brief details are provided but the full text cannot be accessed. The earliest information in the database is from 1930.


Free global database of domestic laws and treaties relating to intellectual property, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Both bilateral and multilateral treaties are included. The database can be either searched or browsed. Many of the national laws and bilateral treaties are in the vernacular, but some English translations are provided. The interface is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.

Translations of selected Monaco Treaties

Translations of selected Monaco treaties made freely available in the Monaco information section of Berg and Duffy, LLP website - international lawyers with offices in Monaco. The site aims to provide unofficial translations of treaty texts and analysis alongside official translations where they are available. Content includes comment on the treaty on cooperation and relations between Monaco and France signed October 24, 2002, that materially revised their July 17, 1918 treaty. Some described texts on the site are still to be supplied.

United Nations Environment Programme

UNEP was established as a programme of the United Nations General Assembly as a result of the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Its headquarters are in Nairobi and there are regional offices and specialised units around the world. This website at the Geneva Executive Centre describes the various conventions and treaties currently in force including the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure (hazardous chemicals), providing technical guidelines and downloadable documents.

Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) website gives access to documents and databases on biodiversity along with background information on the Convention and a copy of the text. The Convention is a major international agreement on the protection of wildlife. It is the first global, comprehensive agreement to address all aspects of biological diversity including genetic resources, species, and ecosystems. There is information on parties to the Convention, related bodies and programmes.

Rules of warfare, arms control

The Rules of warfare, arms control page forms part of the Multilaterals Project at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. The project provides the text of international treaties and conventions covering various subjects. This section has the Hague Conventions, the Geneva Conventions and other texts dealing with the laws of war.

Declaration of Helsinki

Text of the Declaration of Helsinki, adopted in June 1964 by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association (WMA). The document is on the WMA's website. It incorporates amendments made at subsequent General Assembly meetings. The declaration concerns ethical principles for physicians and others carrying out medical research with human subjects. It is provided in English, French and Spanish.

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