
European Union Treaties

Treaties section of the European Union's law website, EUR-Lex. Provides the founding treaties, accession treaties and treaties amending the founding treaties, plus protocols. The treaties include the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and the Treaty on European Union (TEU). Consolidated versions are offered for the TFEU, TEU and a few of the other treaties. The interface is in all the official languages of the EU, but not all of the treaties are in all these languages.

Australian Treaties Library

The Australian Treaties Library is a freely available Internet service providing public access to treaty information relating to Australia. The Library is built on a fully searchable web database including treaty texts, indexes, status lists and explanatory material in HTML format. The service is hosted by AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute in collaboration with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade who provide and verify the source materials.

WIPO administered treaties

Section of the official World Intellectual Property Organisation website, publishing treaties and conventions administered by the Organisation, including the convention establishing WIPO, WIPO copyright treaty, Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Rome Convention, Madrid Agreement and Locarno Agreement. The collection is organised into three groups including intellectual property protection treaties, global protection system treaties and classification treaties which create the classification systems that organise information relating to inventions, trademarks and industrial designs etc.

Council of Europe Conventions

Online version of the Council of Europe Treaty Series (CETS), formerly 'European Treaty Series' (ETS), and other Council of Europe treaty information. The site provides all the conventions and agreements prepared and negotiated within the institutional framework of the CoE, together with summaries and explanatory reports. It gives information on the preparation and legal status of treaties and the treaty-making process and provides a glossary.

EU Treaties

Section of the European Union's Europa website providing links to key EU treaties and other basic instruments. The Lisbon Treaty, Treaty on European Union, Treaty establishing the European Community, Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community and Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community are all available. Other treaties and instruments include: the Single European Act and the Merger Treaty. The site is available in all the languages of the member states.

Chan Robles Virtual Law Library

Online law library compiled by Chan Robles, a law firm in the Philippines. Provides Philippines legislation, decisions of the Philippines Supreme Court (1901 onwards), treaties involving the Philippines and several versions of the Constitution of the Philippines. Many of the documents are in html format and do not seem to be official texts. The site also has links to educational, professional and reference resources worldwide. The site is in English.

United Nations Treaty Collection

The United Nations Treaty Collection provides free access to a wealth of information about international treaties covering a wide range of subject areas including international human rights, international law, international security, human rights, refugees. It can be used to download full text treaties and check for the latest information on whether certain treaties are in force.

Avalon Project : Dayton Peace Accords

The Dayton Peace Accords sought to achieve a peaceful settlement to the Balkans conflict in 1995. They relate to the positions of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia. This website, which is available as part of the Avalon Project maintained by Yale University, contains the text of the agreement and its appendixes. The appendixes include letters from Slobodan Milosevic and the US Department of State Dispatch.

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