
African Legal Information Institute

The African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) makes available treaties, cases, resolutions, decisions, reports and other publications of African regional organisations. It also provides access to legislation and cases from 16 African countries, via its search facility. The home page has links to regional and national African websites. AfricanLII is a project of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) at the University of Cape Town law faculty.

International law

International law section of the website of the Law Reform & International Law Bureau, which is a public sector office under the Macao Special Administrative Region Government (MSAR). The site explains Macao's status with regard to international law under the "one country, two systems" policy. It lists international agreements currently applicable to the MSAR and gives details of MSAR's participation in international organisations.  

Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China [Taiwan]

Database of Taiwanese updated legislation translated into English, provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The legislation consists of acts, regulations and directions and includes early instruments such as the Land Act of 1930 (as amended); to display the full text of an instrument, click on ‘Article Content’. Taiwanese treaties are available on this website too, from about 1950 onwards; a large proportion are in English, but many of the earlier ones (roughly 1950s to 1970s) have not been translated.

ATRIO: Archivio dei Trattati Internazionali Online

ATRIO (formerly 'ITRA') is a treaty database maintained by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry. It contains information about Italian treaties in force and provides the full text of many treaties. For information about a particular treaty's place of signature, date in force and so on, click on ‘Vedi Dettaglio’ (‘See Details’). ATRIO is mostly in Italian, but some of the treaties are in English or other languages.


Every issue of the Bundesgesetzblatt, the German Federal Official Gazette, is provided free of charge on this website by the official publisher, the Bundesanzeiger Verlag. Part I (Teil I) contains laws and ministerial orders and is available from 1949 onwards; part II (Teil II) contains international agreements and is available from 1951 onwards; the Index (Fundstellennachweis) is also provided. The free version can be browsed by date, but for searching, printing, copying or downloading a subscription is required. The site is in German only.

International investment agreements navigator

Free database of around 2,800 international investment agreements (IIAs), compiled by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Covers both bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and multilateral agreements. Users may browse by 'economy' (meaning 'country') or by international organisation; there is also a search facility. Dates of signature and entry into force are available, together with the text of each agreement; many are available in English even where there are no English-speaking parties. (At the time of writing, the interactive map on this site did not appear to work.)

Canada Treaty Information

Official website published by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, to explain the treaty-making process and policy in Canada, with definitions of treaties and details of how treaties are published. There is also an introduction to the work of the Treaty Law Division of Canada. A list of Canadian treaties is presented, which can be searched and displayed by treaty type (bilateral, multilateral, and plurilateral) or by text words or subject matter. The entry for each treaty indicates the place and date of signature, the date of entry into force, parties, and subject matter.

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (formerly known as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference) was founded in 1969, and exists to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world. International agreements are available on its website under Conventions, on the topics of international relations, trade, investments, civil aviation and telecommunications. A list of OIC member states, which have signed / ratified agreements on economic, commercial and technical cooperation, is published. The OIC website is available in English, Arabic and French versions.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, available in Lithuanian, English, Russian and French. As well as detailed information regarding the officers, operations and mission of the ministry, the site also contains a number of English translations of key documents, such as foreign policy statements, press releases and speeches. There is also a browsable database of English translations of all bilateral and multilateral treaties.

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