
Inatsisinik nalunaarutit

Greenland’s official legislation database, in Greenlandic and Danish. Provides Greenlandic laws and regulations, Danish legislation applicable to Greenland, and treaties applicable to Greenland. Can be searched by key word, year and/or number. Searches can be filtered by type of law, whether in force or repealed, and other criteria.


African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Website of the AfCFTA Secretariat providing information on the African Continental Free Trade Area. The site outlines the aims of the AfCFTA which include creating a single market for the African continent and boosting its trading position globally. There are profiles of the countries who are signatories to the agreement and an overview of the protocols which include trade in goods and services, dispute settlement and customs and trade facilitation. A full text copy of the Agreement is given along with the e-tariff book and a selection of publications produced by the AfCFTA Secretariat.

Bilateral Labor Agreements Dataset

This dataset, created by a team at the University of Chicago, documents bilateral employment treaties signed between 1945 and 2015 (version 1) and 1945 and 2020 (version 2). The website consists of a graphic showing the number of Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs), followed by a short paragraph describing the background of the project, and then information on the dataset, which is freely available to download at the base of the webpage.

Treaty data search

Database of treaties involving Japan, provided by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Can be searched by title and subject. There are options to limit the search to bilaterals or multilaterals; if bilaterals are selected, users can choose the region, followed by the country. The title and date in force are given, together with the text of the treaty. The interface and most of the content are in Japanese only, but some of the treaties are in English or other languages as well. 

Treaties – UK Parliament

List of treaties laid before the UK Parliament under the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010, showing their progress through the procedure. The list covers treaties laid from June 2017 onwards. It is searchable by title or command number and can be filtered by criteria such as government department, house of Parliament, and whether there was a motion or recommendation not to ratify. There are links to the text of each treaty, its explanatory memorandum, the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons, and select committee reports.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia: bilateral relations

This section of the Croatian foreign ministry’s website provides a list of the dates that Croatia established diplomatic relations with each foreign state and the dates of diplomatic recognition, together with details of Croatia’s bilateral treaties. The treaty information includes titles, dates of conclusion and entry into force, Official Gazette references and other details, but the text of the instruments is not available. For Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, Hungary and Slovenia, some multilateral treaties are covered as well as bilaterals.

Irish Treaty Series

This treaty database, maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Ireland, contains entries for all instruments published in the Irish Treaty Series since 1930. Records are typically composed of the ITS number, the title of the agreement, the parties, whether it was bilateral or multilateral, the date signed and the date in force. Full-text PDFs are available for all the treaties since 1998, however only a limited number of treaties prior to this include the full text.

Department of Justice - External Affairs

External Affairs section of the Hong Kong Department of Justice website, which includes all the multilateral agreements in force and applicable to the Hong Kong SAR, and major bilateral and consular agreements which have come into force. The multilaterals are arranged by subject, and records are composed of the name, date in force, any relevant supplements, and a link to the text. The bilateral and consular agreements can be found under ‘Other Agreements’, and are arranged into agreement types.

International Treaty Search

Database of treaties entered into by Indonesia from 1947 to the present day, maintained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. International Treaty Search allows users to browse the treaties using various filters, such as country, subject, status, and time period, as well as through a general word search. Each record gives a brief description of the treaty, the date and place of signature, the status, the termination method, a PDF of the treaty attached, and any relevant references.

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