Resource guides and directories

Researching League of Nations Documents

Guide to researching the documentation of the League of Nations, by Gabriela Femenia, Foreign and International Law Library at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biddle Law Library. The research guide was published in 2012 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. It covers the types of documents produced by the League of Nation and their reference numbers and discusses print, microfilm and electronic sources of these documents.

Australasian Colonial Legal History Library

This freely available online service includes databases of Australasian legal history accessible via AustLII. In addition to pre-1900 primary legislation and case materials from New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia, the Library features articles from law journals and legal scholarship concerning the Colonial Period. The Library is being developed by AustLII in collaboration with NZLII as part of an ARC funded infrastructure (LIEF) grant entitled "The Australasian Legal History Library".


Jurispedia, the shared law, is an academic project utilising an open source Wiki format which aims to offer information about all of the laws of every country in the world and is concerned with systems of law as well as legal and political sciences. The service provides information about the law and user-contributed articles relating to thirty countries currently.

Guide to Panama’s Legal System and Research

Guide to the legal system of Panama, by Panamanian lawyers Alvaro Aguilar-Alfu and Kedar Rudy. The research guide was published in 2011 on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. It covers the development of the legal system, Panamanian legal concepts and the court system and government of Panama. Links are provided to legal and governmental websites for the jurisdiction.


Portal providing open access to primary and secondary legal materials for Ethiopia, including laws, court decisions, articles, contact guidance and news. The service gives free access to selected codes and laws, some in English, some in Amharic. It also provides decisions of the Supreme Court of Cassation, in Amharic only, and the Constitution (and related instruments) in English and Amharic.


A portal managed by the Portuguese Ministério da Justiça. Features include a database which allows users to perform searches related to the Portuguese court system and the allocation of cases to the different courts. The service covers different types of court including the Court of First Instance, appeal courts, administrative and regional courts and provides links to their websites and also to those of related government departments. Other resources covered include the court libraries and the Leis da Justiça project managed by the Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ).

Bibliothèque Cujas: Cuj@sthèque

The website of Bibliothèque Cujas in Paris includes a suite of legal research resources called  'Cujasthèque'. The Jurisguide section gives an overview of French legal publications and provides introductions to many different aspects of French legal research, some intended for students, some for academics. Full research guides are provided under ‘Guides et tutoriels’, covering legislation, case law, doctrinal writing, journals, mélanges and parliamentary publications; their main focus is on French law, but other countries, the EU, the Council of Europe and the UN are also included.

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