Resource guides and directories

International Law Library

This WorldLII library brings together 76 searchable databases concerning international law. The databases include the International Courts and Tribunals Collection which has, among others, decisions of the International Criminal Court, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Caribbean Court of Justice and the Timor Leste Special Panel for Serious Crimes. The Treaties & International Agreements Collection has 7 treaties databases from international organisations the League of Nations and the United Nations.

Canine detection evidence

Online guide focusing on the use of canine scent detection evidence in US law, by Ken Strutin, Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The article was published in 2010 on (Law Library Resource Xchange) a free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Solitary confinement

Online guide to solitary confinement written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The article was published in 2010 on (Law Library Resource Xchange) a free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Legal research in Slovakia

Online guide to conducting legal research in Slovakia written by Juraj Alexander who is an attorney in the Prague office of Salans law firm and Juraj Gyarfas who is an associate in the Bratislava office of Allen & Overy. The guide was published in 2010 (and updated in 2013) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors give an introduction to Slovakia and to the Slovakian political and governmental systems.

Kuwait's legal system and legal research

Online guide to the law and legal system of Kuwait written by Ahmed Khedr who is a lecturer in law and corporate affairs. The guide was published in 2010 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide has an introduction and general history to Kuwait including a historical timeline. An outline of the Kuwaiti legal system has sections covering the issuing of laws, the role of the Amir, the prime minister and other ministers, the National Assembly, the judicial structure and the court system.

Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School)

The Cornell Legal Information Institute (LII), founded in 1992, provides free access to US federal and state legal material, including US Supreme Court decisions, decisions of the US Courts of Appeals and other federal courts, the US Constitution, the United States Code, state constitutions and statutes (via links to state websites), and state regulations. Secondary materials on the site include 'Wex', an open access legal dictionary and encyclopedia, and the 'Introduction to Basic Legal Citation' by Peter W. Martin.

Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle site has information on three interrelated themes: natural resources; history and culture; social equity and environmental justice. Material includes studies of the impact of natural resource development, ethnographic portraits of indigenous peoples and their culture, and information on land claims and self-determination. Also includes links to other sites related to the Circumpolar North. The virtual classroom section includes case studies under each of the three main themes. NB. The site has not been updated since January 2009.

Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases

An online guide to web resources for foreign and international legal research, on the New York University School of Law's Library website. Suggested materials and websites are presented with brief annotations in a series of subject sections. Sections covered topics such as: International law; International Business Transactions; Council of Europe; Environmental law; European Union; Foreign databases by collection and jurisdiction; Human Rights; International Criminal Law; International Organisations; International Treaties, United Nations Constitutional law of the UN.

Legal Omnibus

A directory of law sites selected by the International Law Institute, a research and education institution based in Washington DC. The links are arranged in categories covering: Development and Trade; Development Banks and related sites; International Development Agencies; Public International law; Private International law; General International resources; US legal resources; Electronic Commerce and Related Business Law; Law and Economics; and Reference Tools.


This gateway to information on legal topics that affect daily life, developed and maintained by the American Bar Association (ABA), aims to make freely available easy to understand information about law and the legal system of the United States for the general public. Resources are arranged under the following headings: the courts, criminal justice, buying & selling, your family, your home, your job, your finances and finding a lawyer.

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