Resource guides and directories

European Union Research

An online bibliographic reference and research guide prepared by Jeanne Rehberg, librarian at New York University Law Library responsible for the official depository for European Union documents. In addition to offering guidance on finding and using material in the Law Library, the author provides useful bibliographic details for print materials and identifies web-based resources relating to the EU. Particular issues covered by the guide include: national implementing measures; competition cases and merger decisions; and common foreign and security policy.

Germain's French Law Guide

An online research and resource guide looking at French law and legal materials, published in the features section of LLRX. The guide, written by Claire M. Germain, Edward Cornell Law Librarian and Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, USA, was posted on in August 2001. The guide suggests starting points for research with notes on the history and current system of French law.

Nevada Law Resources

An annotated list of web-based information resources relevant to law in the US State of Nevada. The guide presents key sites providing access to the Nevada Constitution and legislation, Supreme Court opinions, state and local court rules and Federal Court rules. In addition the guide lists websites relating to Nevada state government, cities and counties, legal forms, federal information, directories and legal associations. The guide is posted on the Wiener-Rogers Law Library at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

English Law

Online research guide covering the English legal system and legal materials, by Goodson Law Library at Duke University in the United States. The guide is intended for American law students and those seeking an overview of English legal publications in print and online formats. 

Columbia Law School Research Guides

A series of International, Comparative and Foreign Law Web guides prepared by Silke Sahl, International, Comparative and Foreign Law Librarian at the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School, New York, USA. Each guide is presented in HTML format and suggests relevant legal research resources with bibliographic details, local library locations and website addresses. The guides cover topics such as: Treaty Research; the United Nations; Researching Public International law; and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Westminster Law Library, University of Denver, Research Resources

An extensive collection of finding aids, subject guides and tutorials made freely available on the internet by Westminster Law Library, University of Denver, Colorado. The materials, prepared by the library staff, are mostly presented in PDF format. Some videos are also available and interactive formats are to be introduced. A wide range of legal topics is covered, including international law, US Federal law and Colorado State law.

University of Minnesota Law Library Research Guides and Pathfinders

A collection of research guides, resource pathfinders and subject bibliographies prepared by reference librarians at the University of Minnesota Law Library, USA. The guides provide bibliographic details of legal sources with reference to relevant local library call numbers, electronic database references and Internet links. The materials are presented in subject categories including administrative law, civil procedure, environmental law, health law and bioethics, legal education, tax law and women and the law.

Guide to Irish Law

A commentary and bibliographic resource guide concerned with Irish law, legal materials and research written by Dr Darius Whelan, Lecturer in Law at University College Cork in Ireland. The guide was published on the Globalex website in 2005 (updated in 2016) and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide presents an overview of Irish law with reference to the essential print, electronic and free Web sources.

Harvard Law School Library Research Guides

A series of legal research guides devised by staff at Harvard Law School Library and made freely available in HTML format. The guides suggest approaches to legal research relating to particular topics or jurisdictions, with bibliographic references to print materials held locally and web based resources where appropriate. The guides are grouped under headings for General Library Research, United States Law Research and International, Foreign and Comparative Law Research.

Researching Canadian law

A comprehensive research and resource guide for Canada, identifying and describing print, online and web sources of law and legal materials. The guide has been written by Ted Tjaden who is Director of Knowledge Management at McMillan Binch Mendelsohn LLP in Toronto . The guide was published in 2005 and updated in 2007 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The author offers an overview of the Canadian legal system and provides background information and sources of Canadian legislation and case law.

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