Resource guides and directories

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: International Economic Law

International economic law chapter of the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. The chapter, written and compiled by Jean M. Wenger who is Government Documents and Foreign and International Law Librarian at Cook County Law Library, provides an overview and commentary supported by links to websites. It identifies resources related to: international trade, international financial law, regional economic integration, international development law, private international law, international business regulation and intellectual property law.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : Private International Law

An online resource guide offering commentary and links relating to Private International Law, the body of international legislative materials regulating private rather than national relationships across borders, written and compiled by Louise Tsang, working in law school and law firm libraries in the US and Canada. This guide forms a chapter of the American Society of International Law's Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law.

Update to Guide to Country Research for Refugee Status Determination

A guide to finding information about refugees' and asylum seekers' country of origin, last updated in 2002 and published on the website of the Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX). The guide is written by Elisa Mason, Information Manager for the Forced Migration Online project at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. Commentary, bibliographic information and links to relevant websites are included.

Overview of Polish Law

A research and resource guide covering Polish law written by Piotr Rakowski and Robert Rybicki who are Counselors in the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium. The guide is published on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The authors give an outline of the Polish legal system and identify sources of Polish Law including the Constitution, statutes, treaties and regulations.

Researching French law

Guide to researching French law, by Stéphane Cottin, special envoy of the Secretary General of the French government, and Jérome Rabenou, webmaster for the Constitutional Council.  Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, it refers to both French and English language sources of law on the internet. The authors explain the French legal system, including types of legislation and the court system.

Introduction to the Swiss Legal System: A Guide for Foreign Researchers

A resource guide explaining the legal system in Switzerland with bibliographic details of sources and links to materials available on the internet. The guide was written by Fridolin M.R. Walther who is an attorney-at-law with Gubler Walther Leuch in Bern, Switzerland. This latest version of the guide was published in in September 2003. The guide is in English but includes links to resources in German or French.

Researching Australian law

An online research and resource guide to Australian Law, written by Nick Pengelley who is Chief Law Librarian at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Canada and Sue Milne who is a lecturer at the University of South Australia, School of Law. The guide provides background information about the Australian legal system and identifies sources of primary materials such as Australian legislation, cases and treaties.

Research Guide to Belgian Law

Bibliographic resource guide to Belgian law, written by Christoph Malliet, librarian at the Law Library of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2022) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives an overview of the Belgian legal system and legal documentation.

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