Research centres and projects

American Law Institute

Website of the American Law Institute (ALI) a non-profit legal organisation established in 1923 with the aim of clarifying and improving the law. The work of the ALI includes Restatements of the Law, developing the Uniform Commercial Code, law reform and continuing legal education. The website has details of the officers and council members of the ALI along with press releases and annual reports. The Institute's activities and news are included in the ALI Reporter which can be viewed in full-text on the site.

London Shipping Law Centre

Website of the London Shipping Law Centre which was set up in 1994 at University College London by Dr. Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard who is Director of postgraduate shipping law studies for the University of London. The Centre was created as a "community place for the sectors of the maritime industry and students in order to further their interests and learn from each other". The site includes information about events and courses held at the Centre along with a selection of speeches which are made freely available on the site in full-text.

Cornell Death Penalty Project

The Cornell Death Penalty Project is based at the Cornell Law School in New York. The aim of the Project is to foster "scholarship related to the death penalty and its administration". The Project conducts research and sponsors a clinic enabling students to assist with the representation of capital defendants. The site includes details of clinic case studies and a list of articles on the death penalty written by faculty members. Links are given to the full articles which are made available on subscription services, Westlaw and Lexis Nexis.

Center for Comparative Constitutionalism

The Center for Comparative Constitutionalism (CCC) at the University of Chicago is concerned with the study of constitutional rights and "the wide range of ways in which societies attempt to secure constitutional rights to their citizens." The CCC's website gives details of the Center's projects and events including study papers which can be downloaded in PDF format and lectures which can be heard in RealOne Player or Quicktime Player (both of which can be freely downloaded on the site).

Centre for Constitutional Studies

Website of the Centre for Constitutional Studies at the University of Alberta in Canada. The Centre is concerned with the "interdisciplinary study of constitutional matters both nationally and internationally". The website has details of staff and of the Centre's research projects and publications, including the Constitutional Forum and the Review of Constitutional Studies. There is a collection of links to constitutional law resources and a Constitutional Keywords database which is made freely available on the site.

Centre for Innovation Law and Policy

The Centre for Innovation Law and Policy (CILP) is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto and describes itself as a "multi-faceted academic centre devoted to the study of laws, institutions and policies that affect, or are affected by, innovation or technological change". The site has information about the Centre and its staff and includes online full-text copies of CILP's newsletter. Details are given of research projects being carried out at the Centre including links to full text papers where available.

Supreme Court Forecasting Project

The Supreme Court Forecasting Project is based at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. The project looks at "the accuracy of the different ways in which legal experts and political scientists assess and predict Supreme Court decision making". During the Court's 2002 term two methods of predicting the votes of judges were compared. One used a statistical forecasting model and the other used forecasts provided by legal experts. The site provides all the forecasts for 2002. The study has been published in the May 2004 issue of the Columbia Law Review.

National Agricultural Law Center

The National Agricultural Law Center is based at the University of Arkansas School of Law in the United States. The Center conducts legal research, provides information facilities and publishes articles by leading agricultural law scholars. The site has a selection of 'Reading Rooms' which are resource guides to a range of agricultural law topics. Subjects covered include bankruptcy, cooperatives, federal crop insurance, farm credit and the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act.

Humanitarian Law Center

The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) is a non-governmental human rights and humanitarian law centre established in 1992 following the conflict in former Yugoslavia. It is based in Serbia. The HLC's work includes researching human rights violations, campaigning for justice and institutional reform and gathering documentation on war crimes. The website provides court documentation, reports, press releases and other information. Details of conferences and courses organised by the HLC are also available. The site is in Serbian, English and Albanian

First Amendment Center

Website of the First Amendment Center, an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at Vanderbilt University in the United States. The aim of the Center is to protect First Amendment freedoms. Its website provides access to information about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and the right to petition. Subjects covered within these categories include school children's freedom of expression, freedom of information issues, religious liberty in schools and public life, abortion protests and freedom of association.

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