
Prime Minister’s Office

This English-language version of the website for the Icelandic Prime Minister’s Office includes translations of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, the Administrative Procedures Act (No. 37/1993) and the Information Act (No. 140/2012). It also provides policy summaries, news and basic information about the Prime Minister’s Office.

Wet- en regelgeving

Wet- en regelgeving is the Dutch government’s legislation website, part of the government portal, Overheid.nl. The database, which is entirely in Dutch, contains consolidated legislation in force as well as legislation that has been in force or has been repealed since 1 May 2002. This includes laws (wetten), general administrative orders (AMvB), royal decrees (koninklijke besluiten), ministerial orders (ministeriële regeling) and other instruments. There is a basic search tab and an advanced search tab (Uitgebreid zoeken).

FOG Database

The Foreign Official Gazette database (FOG) is a tool for locating collections of official gazettes in major libraries and archives, tracking title changes and looking up other details about particular official gazettes; it does not contain full-text material. FOG covers about 650 titles, from all around the world, held in American libraries or at the UK’s National Archives. The database can be searched by jurisdiction and/or holding institution. FOG is provided by the Centre for Research Libraries, an international consortium founded in 1949 and based in the United States.

National Law Information Centre

The English-language version of this government website provides translations of South Korean legislation. Users can search, or browse law by subject area or by the relevant government department. A list of recently updated legislation can be found on the home page. There is also an overview of the South Korean legislative system and procedures. The Korean-language version provides Korean legislation, treaties and cases.

Council of State of Thailand

This site provides English translations of Thai legislation, prepared by the Office of the Council of State. Legislation is listed in alphabetical order and can be browsed, and the constitution and its amendments are also available. Users should note that this is not a complete list of current active legislation in Thailand. There is also an overview of the legislative process in Thailand.

Morocco - Constitution

1992 consolidated version of the Constitution of Morocco, on the International Constitutional Law (ICL) website (provided by the University of Bern in Switzerland). Some brief contextual information is also give. The text of the Constitution contains keyword links that can be used to find similar sections in other constitutions.

Laws of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands

This section of the South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) government website provides access to the Ordinances (primary legislation) and Orders and Regulations (secondary legislation) made by the Commissioner for the Territory. The South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands are a self-governing Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. The laws are arranged by date back to 1908 and can be viewed as PDFs. A link is also given to the British Settlements Act 1887 under which the SGSSI Commissioner has the power to make laws.

Constitution of Cote d'Ivoire

Electronic copy of the 2016 Constitution of Cote d'Ivoire made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and includes chapters on rights and freedoms, powers of the executive, legislative and judiciary and the role of traditional chieftaincy.

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