Wet- en regelgeving is the Dutch government’s legislation website, part of the government portal, Overheid.nl. The database, which is entirely in Dutch, contains consolidated legislation in force as well as legislation that has been in force or has been repealed since 1 May 2002. This includes laws (wetten), general administrative orders (AMvB), royal decrees (koninklijke besluiten), ministerial orders (ministeriële regeling) and other instruments. There is a basic search tab and an advanced search tab (Uitgebreid zoeken). A separate section of the site covers Dutch implementation of EU directives from 2005 onwards (under ‘Zoeken op EU-richtlijn’). Wet- en Regelgeving is run by SDU Uitgevers, formerly the Dutch official publisher. Although the database is on the government web portal, a disclaimer warns that the texts available in it do not have official status.
Wet- en regelgeving
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