
Legal Frameworks for Nuclear Activities

This part of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) site provides information on the legal frameworks for nuclear activities in OECD and NEA member and partner countries. Country profiles cover a range of topics including the regulatory regime, regulatory authorities and advisory bodies. There is information on nuclear installations, radioactive waste management, radioactive substances and equipment, non-proliferation and transport. Links are given to primary legislation and to other NEA publications. The NEA is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Wet- en regelgeving

Wet- en regelgeving is the Dutch government’s legislation website, part of the government portal, The database, which is entirely in Dutch, contains consolidated legislation in force as well as legislation that has been in force or has been repealed since 1 May 2002. This includes laws (wetten), general administrative orders (AMvB), royal decrees (koninklijke besluiten), ministerial orders (ministeriële regeling) and other instruments. There is a basic search tab and an advanced search tab (Uitgebreid zoeken).

Modernisering Wetboek van Strafvordering

This section of the Dutch government website covers the reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Wetboek van Strafvordering), a major project that began in 2014. An overview of the reform process is given and a collection of documents is provided, including drafts of parts of the new code, explanatory memoranda, consultation documents and discussion papers. There is also a News page. All the information on the site is in Dutch only.

The website is an online gateway providing guidance to Dutch government websites and to information from other public bodies in the Netherlands. There is a comprehensive page of links to the Dutch parliament, government ministries, provinces and municipality websites. There are also direct links to government sites dealing with topics such as immigration, studying in the Netherlands, trade, health and tourism. An outline of how government works in the Netherlands is also given covering the passage of legislation and information on the judicial system.

Netherlands House of Representatives

This is the English language version of the Netherlands House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal) website. The site outlines the role of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Cabinet and provides information on how the Dutch parliament works, how elections are conducted and how bills become law. A separate document outlines the parliamentary rules of procedure. There are also profiles of all MPs and the Speaker and information on the work of the various committees.

Netherlands Judicial System

This is the English language version of the Netherlands Judicial System (De rechtspraak) website. The site outlines the roles of the different courts in the Netherlands- the District courts, Special tribunals, Appeal courts and the Supreme Court. There is information on the Council for the Judiciary which is the body that represents the interests of the courts in the public and political arena. Full text legislation concerning the justice system in the Netherlands is also given along with a selection of related articles and reports. 

Netherlands Government

This is the English version of the Dutch government website. There is information organised by a wide range of topics including human rights, Dutch nationality, treaties, housing, police and education. These headings provide access to policy information and links to the relevant ministry. Information about the various government ministries includes profiles of key personnel, how the ministry is organised, details of policy areas covered and documents concerning the work of the ministry eg. forms, fact sheets and reports.

Netherlands Senate

This is the English version of the Dutch Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal) website. There is information on the role of the Senate and how the bicameral system works in the Netherlands. The main role of the Senate is to scrutinise bills but the site outlines the other functions the house performs. There is a document setting out the rules of procedure of the Senate and links are given to the rest of the website which can be viewed in Dutch only.

Dutch Civil Law (DCL)

English-language site provided by Dutch lawyer Hendri Goossens, who specialises in contract law and private international law. It describes the Dutch legal system and the foundations and principles of Dutch law generally. The Legislation page provides unofficial English translations of the Civil Code, parts of the Civil Procedure Code, several acts, the Constitution and various conventions. The site also has information about jurisdiction, the enforcement of judgments and the conflict of laws.

Nederlandse Grondwet

This website gives an overview of the development of the Dutch Constitution, from the late eighteenth century to the present day, and provides information about pending changes. It includes translations of the current Constitution into English, French, German and Spanish, but most of the content is in Dutch. To find the translations, keep clicking on the links under each article of the current Constitution (‘Huidige Grondwet’).

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