
Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

The Grand National Assembly's website has information in English and Turkish on the law-making process in Turkey, including introduction of bills, committee deliberation, budgetary process, ratification of international treaties and publication of laws. It also provides English translations of key documents including the Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye and the assembly's  Rules of Procedure. Content in Turkish only includes the verbatim report of proceedings, a legislation database and a database of assembly resolutions. 

Dutch Civil Law (DCL)

English-language site provided by Dutch lawyer Hendri Goossens, who specialises in contract law and private international law. It describes the Dutch legal system and the foundations and principles of Dutch law generally. The Legislation page provides unofficial English translations of the Civil Code, parts of the Civil Procedure Code, several acts, the Constitution and various conventions. The site also has information about jurisdiction, the enforcement of judgments and the conflict of laws.

Nederlandse Grondwet

This website gives an overview of the development of the Dutch Constitution, from the late eighteenth century to the present day, and provides information about pending changes. It includes translations of the current Constitution into English, French, German and Spanish, but most of the content is in Dutch. To find the translations, keep clicking on the links under each article of the current Constitution (‘Huidige Grondwet’).

Database of Federal Statute Names

Free database of popular names of US federal statutes, compiled by Yale’s Lillian Goldman Law Library. The main focus is on names which do not communicate clearly the subject of the legislation, for example the ‘Rankin Act’ and the ‘Serve America Act’. For each statute, the official citations and short title (if any) are given. Each statute title is categorised using the following list of types: Sponsor, Description, Honor, Case, Tribe, Victim, Political Description, Location, Undefined, Award, Abbreviation, Acrostic, Private Law, Institution.

Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China [Taiwan]

Database of Taiwanese updated legislation translated into English, provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The legislation consists of acts, regulations and directions and includes early instruments such as the Land Act of 1930 (as amended); to display the full text of an instrument, click on ‘Article Content’. Taiwanese treaties are available on this website too, from about 1950 onwards; a large proportion are in English, but many of the earlier ones (roughly 1950s to 1970s) have not been translated.

Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China: Law and Regulations Retrieving System

This website provides English translations of the rulings (‘Interpretations’) of the constitutional court, the Council of Grand Justices of the Republic of China / Taiwan. Interpretations are available from 1949 onwards; they are provided by the Taiwanese judicial authority, or Judicial Yuan. The website also has a database of translated laws from about 1990 onwards. 

Database of laws and regulations

Collection of Chinese legislation in English translation, made available free of charge by the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China. Provides the Constitution and constitutional amendments, together with a large selection of laws and administrative regulations, mainly from the 1990s onwards. Can be browsed by broad subject area (also has a search facility, but this does not seem to work properly).


Parlamentsspiegel is the parliamentary documentation system of the German states (Laender). It provides databases of parliamentary papers (Drucksachen), parliamentary debates (Plenarprotokolle) and official gazettes (Gesetzblaetter), covering various date ranges. Some Federal publications are also available, notably the Federal Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt), from 1980 onwards. To search for bills and laws only, see ‘Gesetzgebung’. The site is entirely in German.

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