
Kiribati consolidated legislation

From the Kiribati section of the PACLII database. This database contains electronic versions of selected legislation from the 1980 revised edition of the Laws of Kiribati, including the Constitution of Kiribati. A separate database contains the session laws from subsequent years. Content can be browsed alphabetically, or accessed via a hyper-linked index at the foot of the page. There is also a clear link to a search page where this data-file can be selected to be searched across.

Supreme Court of Guam compiler of laws

Hosted by the Supreme Court of Guam website, the Compiler of Laws is responsible for officially publishing the Session Laws of the Guam Legislature, the Guam Code Annotated and updates thereto, the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, Supreme Court of Guam Opinions, Executive Orders and Attorney General Opinions. Whilst most documents are only browsable by year, the annotated code is now fully searchable. The site also provides useful links to the official sites of the Guam government and legislature.

Consiglio Grande e Generale

The Great and General Council of the Republic of San Marino webpages. Includes searchable archives of legislation and meetings of the council. Also contains information regarding structure, history and current activity of the governmental body of San Marino. Please note this website is only available in Italian.

Office of the Revenue Commissioners

The Office of the Revenue Commissioners is the Irish government body responsible for collecting taxes and duties and implementing import and export controls in Ireland. Its website has information about the services of the Revenue, taxation and duties. Tax legislation, tax treaties, official guidelines, annual reports and other documents are also provided. The site can be viewed in English or Irish; some content is also available in a variety of other languages.


Free global database of domestic laws and treaties relating to intellectual property, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Both bilateral and multilateral treaties are included. The database can be either searched or browsed. Many of the national laws and bilateral treaties are in the vernacular, but some English translations are provided. The interface is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.

Noticias Juridicas

A Spanish site providing legal news, key Spanish legislation as amended and selected case law. The site offers RSS feed subscriptions for legislation updates as well as searchable databases of legislation and jurisprudence. The site is in Spanish.

Portuguese Legislation in English

Collection of about thirty translated Portuguese laws on the website of Portugal’s Documentation and Comparative Law Office (Gabinete de Documentação e de Direito Comparado, or GDDC). The GDDC is a statutory body attached to the Portuguese Attorney-General’s Office. The webpage also has a link to the Portuguese Constitution in English, on the website of the Portuguese Parliament (under “Legislation”).

Rules and regulations

Database of secondary legislation, both central and state, provided via the Indian Government’s web portal. States that it includes “all the Rules passed by the Parliament and the State Legislative Assemblies as well as the Sub-ordinate legislations issued by the Departments based on those Rules & Regulations”, but for some states very few instruments are currently available. The date range covered is not given, but some very old instruments (1940s onwards) are included. There is no information about amendments or revocations.

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