
State Statutes on the internet : family law

This is one section of a page of the Legal Information Institute internet gateway which is part of Cornell Law School in New York State. There is an alphabetical list of the individual states of the United States with links through to the state legislature websites. These in most cases have the full-text of the state statutes from the late 1990s onwards, relating to family law which covers children, marital and domestic relations, as well as other subject areas.

L.I.I. Uniform Matrimonial and Family Laws Locator

This site forms part of the Legal Information Institute Internet gateway based at Cornell Law School in New York State. The uniform matrimonial and family laws locator is one of five subject locators on the site. It covers United States state laws which correspond to uniform laws in the subject areas of matrimony and the family. There is an alphabetical list of these uniform laws, each entry having a list of the states to which that law applies and links to the full-text where it is available.

Megan's Law by State

An online directory containing status information and links to legislation providing for sex offender registration and community notification in each of the US states, known as "Megan's Law" legislation. A map indicates the level of Internet access to records provided by the state authorities, ranging from state sponsored access to no community notification. Directory entries include information about the state contact, administrating agency, duration of requirement, penalties for non-compliance and confidentiality provisions with links to relevant websites and online documents.

Reforming the Mental Health Act : Part 2. high risk patients

Part two of a policy paper ("white paper") published by the UK Government in December 2000. Gives details of special arrangements for the small minority who pose a threat to others. Arrangements for assessment, for compulsory treatment, and the role of the new Mental Health Tribunals are described. The first part, "The new legal framework" [q.v.] deals with the proposed restructuring of the law for all mental health patients.

Constitution of Sweden

English-language versions of the fundamental constitutional laws of Sweden, as presented on the website of the Riksdag, the Swedish Parliament. The constitutional documents presented are the Instrument of Government, the Act of Succession, the Freedom of the Press Act, Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, and the Riksdag Act. The process of amending the fundamental laws of Sweden is also outlined.


ECOLEX is an environmental law information service operated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN). It is partly funded by the Dutch government. The website provides a searchable database which combines the environmental law information held by all three bodies. This comprises multilateral treaties; national legislation; European Union instruments; international "soft law" and related documents; bibliographic details of law and policy literature; and judicial decisions.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the government agency responsible for granting rights in patents, trademarks and designs in Australia. Its website explains the agency's work and gives guidance on Australian intellectual property rights and regulation. It provides searchable databases giving details of existing IP rights; journals relating to trademarks, patents and designs; official notices; manuals; Australian Federal intellectual property legislation; official forms; and trade mark decisions.

Reforming the Mental Health Act : Part 1, the new legal framework

This document was published by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Health and the Home Secretary in December 2000, and is also known as "The Mental Health White Paper". Part 1 was published as Command Paper 5016-i (Cm.5016-i), and deals with the proposed restructuring of the law for all mental health patients; the second part, "High risk patients" [q.v.] details special arrangements for the small minority who pose a threat to others. Access to full-text is available as a web page.

Tasmanian Legislation

Website offering free public access to Tasmania's Consolidated Legislation Online. The project is managed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania, and aims to improve the availability of the full-text of the legislation. The site publishes Acts consolidated to 1st February 1997 and new legislation since then, as well as statutory rules from the beginning of 1998. Users are offered plenty of guidance, help and background information to help them to differentiate between the sessional and historical versions of the legislation.

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