
EUR-Lex: Preparatory Acts

Part of the EU's free EUR-Lex web database, the Preparatory Acts page gives access to proposed legislation, reports and other texts published in the European Commission's COM documents series, back to 1999, in pdf format. The documents can be searched, or browsed by year and month. The site is offered in each of the EU languages.

EUR-Lex: Consolidated Acts

Collection of consolidated European Union legislation on the free EUR-Lex website. The consolidated texts are intended as research tools; they have no legal validity. There is a dedicated search facility for consolidated texts, plus a browseable directory arranged by subject. EUR-Lex is available in all the languages of the EU member states.

Ontario e-Laws

This section of the Government of Ontario website provides access to Ontario's statutes and regulations in full text. Current consolidated law and source law from 2000 onwards can be searched or browsed on the site. There are sections providing access to Period in Time law, repealed statutes and revoked or spent regulations. A page of related web links, a glossary of terms and a selection of FAQs are also provided. The content can be viewed in English or French.

British Columbia Laws

Legislation section of the official Government of British Columbia website. Laws can be searched or browsed and viewed in full text. Bills for the current session and sessions back to 1996 are also given along with consolidated regulations, proclamations and copies of the Gazette.


Recueil systématique du droit fédéral (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Official compilation of the laws of the Confederation of Switzerland, available in French, German and Italian versions. This collection of texts of Swiss federal law is available free of charge. Texts are available mainly in PDF format, with some HTML. The main listing is alphabetically by title. There are also lists of internal law (constitutional, penal, private, educational and social, defence, transport, health, economy), a list of international agreements, and a list of selected public law texts. The site includes a search engine.

North Carolina General Statutes

Collection of General Statutes for the US State of North Carolina, on the North Carolina General Assembly website. A table of contents lists statutes in chapter number order with links to texts in HTML, PDF and RTF formats. The statutes are updated to 2007. A free text search box with tips on searching is also provided.

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