
Arizona Revised Statutes

Online version of the Revised Statutes for the US State of Arizona published on the Arizona State Legislature website. It is updated to the 48th Legislature, 1st Regular Session effective from January 2008. The database can be consulted via a keyword search box or browsing the list of individual statutes organised by title. Other Legislature links include the Arizona State Constitution, Bills and press releases. The site also gives details on the contents of a CD-ROM version of the current Arizona Revised Statutes with purchasing information.

Texas Legislature Online

Website of the Texas Legislature Online, maintained by the US State of Texas. The site is aimed at both the legal profession and the general user. lnformation is given on the Texas House of Representatives and the Senate with details of members, committees and journals for both. FAQs offer guidance on how to follow the status of a bill through the legislature, how to view the text of a bill, and how to find out when a public hearing is being held. Users can search for bills by number, legislature or information type.

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Internet site offering a compilation of Illinois Statutes from databases used by members and staff of the Illinois General Assembly in the State of Illinois, USA. The provisions have not been edited for web publication and their accuracy is not assured. Information on the site is maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau for Illinois. The compilation is presented via a table of contents listing codified statutes in chapter number order. The site includes links to the full-text of Public Acts, to the Illinois Constitution, and to Bills and Regulations from the current General Assembly.

Minnesota Statutes, Session Laws and Rules

Online version of the Minnesota Statutes, Session Laws and Rules, compiled by the Minnesota Office of Revisor of Statutes in the United States. Current Minnesota Statutes are presented on the site in consolidated format and updated annually. Keyword searches with section and chapter browsing are supported. Minnesota Session Laws are also published on the site in full-text from 1849 onwards with the earlier texts in the form of digital images. Administrative rules can be searched or browsed on the site and the Minnesota Constitution is given in full.

Idaho Statutes

Internet version of the Idaho State Code, on the Idaho Legislative Department website. The Code, comprising the consolidated and codified statutes of the State, is presented via a contents table in title number order with links to sub-sections. There are links to the home page of the Idaho Government website, the Idaho Legislature and to a keyword search engine.

Ontario's eLaws

This site, giving access to the full-text of Ontario's Current Consolidated Statutes online, is provided by the Ministry of Attorney General. Public and private statutes as enacted and regulations as filed are also made available back to 2000. This legislation can be searched or browsed on the site. Repealed statutes and and revoked regulations are also available along with Period in Time law for laws amended or affected by a coming into force event after January 1, 2004.

United States Statutes at Large

Library of Congress web service providing a digital version of early volumes of the US Statutes at Large, the official source for the laws and resolutions passed by Congress which began publication in 1845. Page images from the original published text are presented on the web as part of the American Memory, Library of Congress "Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation" collection, containing US Congressional documents and debates. All public and private law enacted by the Congress appeared in Statutes at Large in date of passage order.

United States Code

The website of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the US House of Representatives provides access to the full text of the US Federal Code. The Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. Titles 1 to 15 of the Code are based on the 2006 edition (laws enacted through the 109th Congress ending January 3, 2007). Titles 16 to 50, the Appendix, Tables I-VI, and the Table of Popular Names are based on Supplement V of the 2000 edition (January 2, 2006) of the Code.

Legislation of Alberta

Full text legislation of the state of Alberta in Canada made freely available on the website of the Alberta King's Printer. Legislation can be browsed alphabetically, by department or searched by keyword or ISBN. A complete list of acts and/or regulations can also be viewed. Codes administered by the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada and the Canadian Standards Association are also provided on the site.

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