
Indiana Code

Official website publishing the text of the Indiana Code - a collection of legislation for the State arranged into titles according to subject. Titles may be browsed and the full text downloaded in PDF. The text is currently amended to reflect changes made by the 2007 General Assembly. A search box and online help are available. Information on the site is maintainaed by the Office of Code Revision, Legislative Services Agency for the US State of Indiana. The site includes links to the IGA home page.

Wisconsin Statutes and Annotations

Official web database containing the full text of annotated statutes for the US State of Wisconsin, provided by the Revisor of Statutes Bureau. The site has a Statutes Table of Contents listing the chapters of the Wisconsin Statutes, 2007-08 updated through 2009 Wisconsin Act 189 and March 31, 2010. Statutes are searchable by keyword and the site includes a subject index.

Georgia Code

This site publishes an unannotated version of the Georgia Code, codified legislation arranged by title for the US State of Georgia. It is made available by LexisNexis and there is a copyright statement on entering the site. The statutes are up-to-date, and can be browsed or searched by keyword.

Public and Special Acts and General Statutes of Connecticut

Internet site developed by the Connecticut State Library publishing a compilation of statutes for the US State of Connecticut, revised to 2009. The statutes can be searched by section or keyword or browsed online with the full text provided in HTML. Subject indexes to the Public & Special Acts are also available on the site including collections back to 1996 along with an Index to Special Acts and Private Laws 1789- 1943.

Wyoming Statutes

Statutes and Constitution of the State of Wyoming, USA, on the website of the State Legislature. The site also includes the resolutions and memorials passed from 1961 onwards, arranged chronologically or by subject.

Kansas Statutes

Electronic full text version of the codified statutes of the State of Kansas in the United States made freely available online by the Kansas Legislature. The text of specific statutes can be traced by statute number, keyword search or chapter and article listings in a table of contents.

General Laws of Massachusetts

This section of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts's internet site provides access to the laws of Massachusetts for general consultation. The text is updated regularly to include amendments. A search box is provided to link to a specific chapter or section or search for a phrase within the text of a law. A contents list arranged by chapter number gives browse access. Links to other laws, regulations and rules for Massachusetts are included. This is an unofficial version of the General Laws of Massachusetts.

Louisiana Laws

Free database provided by Louisiana State Legislature, containing the codified laws of the US state of Louisiana. The Louisiana legal system is based on the civil law tradition. The database includes the Revised Statutes, Children's Code, Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, Code of Evidence, House rules, Senate Rules and the Louisiana Constitution. Links are given to other Louisiana law sites.

Vermont Statutes Online

Official online full text version of the Vermont statutes and court rules made freely available by Michie's Legal Resources a division of LexisNexis Publishing. The statutes are listed by subject and there are simple and advanced search options available. The United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Vermont are also made freely available on the site.

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