
Ghana legal information institute

The Ghana Legal Information Institute (GhaLII) provides access to the Ghana Gazette and to Ghanaian court decisions. It also has a Legislation section that will contain acts, laws and subsidiary legislation, but this has no content at the time of writing (May 2021). The site is intended for use by the general public to deepen research in Ghanaian and African law.


Global regulation offers English language machine translations of laws from 95 countries. The full service requires a subscription, however there is a limited offering of free searches. A simple search is available from the home page; once a simple search has been run, it is possible to access advanced search options. The advanced search offers Boolean connectors and allows users to weight the importance of terms. It is possible to filter results by country and/or year. Searching is only available in English, but it is possible to view the original language version of a translated law.


The website of Epravo, a Czech legal publisher, provides a wide range of Czech legal material, including news, legislation, cases, and articles on various areas of law. The site is available in Czech only.

Constitution of Oman

Electronic copy of the 1996 Constitution of Oman made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and is amended up to 2011. There are chapters on the Omani system of government, the rights and duties of citizens, and on the role of the Head of State, the Majlis Oman and the judiciary.

Constitution of Mexico

Electronic copy of the 1917 Mexican Constitution made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and is amended up to 2015. There are chapters on human rights and guarantees, the system of government, division of powers and accountability of public servants.

Legislative Portal

The Legislative Portal is a public database of Romanian legislation from 1989 onwards, together with selected earlier legislation, searchable by date, number and type of instrument. The Portal also provides the Civil Code, Civil Procedure Code, Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure. The interface and content are in Romanian only. The site is administered by the Romanian Ministry of Justice and was developed as part of the EU's N-Lex initiative (see: n-lex.europa.eu).

Constitution of Yemen

Electronic copy of the 1991 Yemeni Constitution made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and is amended up to 2015. There are chapters on the foundations of the state, basic rights of citizens and the organisation of state authorities.

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