

Online platform provided by Tree & Trees JusticeMedia Group. The full text of some items is freely available online (copying restricted) and PDF copies are available for a fee. The site includes federal and state laws, regulations, court rules, and judgments (1914 – present), as well as treaties. Contact information is provided for law firms and legal experts in Nigeria, arranged by practice area.

Constitution of Cameroon

Electronic copy of the 1972 Constitution of Cameroon, revised in 2008, and made freely available by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. There are chapters on the state and sovereignty, the executive, legislative and judicial powers, treaties and international agreements and the Constitutional Council.

Western Australian Legislation

The information on this website is provided by the Western Australia Parliamentary Counsel's Office. Full text Western Australian legislation includes acts in force, acts no longer in force and subsidiary legislation. Historical versions of legislation are also available. The materials can be browsed alphabetically, searched by keyword or phrase and viewed in a range of formats.

Sexual and Gender Based Violence Database Project

The Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Database provides free access to legal materials dealing with SGBV in 14 African countries. It is a project of the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) and an extension of the African Human Rights Case Law Analyzer. The laws and cases can be searched by keyword, browsed by country and viewed in full text. The site can be viewed in English, French and Arabic.

Selected consolidated laws

A collection of selected laws and treaties in English translation, on the government website of the principality of Lichtenstein. Includes the Constitution, the Judicial Appointment Act and two treaties. The documents are in PDF format, in English and German. Switching to the German-language version of the website redirects you to the homepage.

The Bookshelf

A database of Philippine primary legislation, cases and reference material, compiled by the Supreme Court of the Philippines. Covers Supreme Court cases, laws, executive issuances, references and treaties. The Supreme Court cases section of the Bookshelf encompasses decisions and signed resolutions back to 1996 only, but cases are available back to 1901 using the search facility (E-Library Search). The Laws section covers acts, constitutions, presidential decrees and other legislative material from 1900 to the present.

Lloyd’s Acts and Bylaws

This section of the Lloyd’s website provides free access to copies of the Lloyd’s acts and byelaws currently in force. Lloyd’s - the world’s leading specialist insurance market – is governed by the Lloyd’s Acts of 1871, 911, 1951 and 1982. The Council of Lloyd’s manages and supervises the market and does this, in part, by passing byelaws which can be viewed in full on the site. Underwriting requirements made by the byelaws are also available along with codes and other standards and regulations required by Lloyd’s.

Constitution of Vietnam

Electronic copy of the 1992 Constitution of Vietnam made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and is updated to 2013. There are chapters on the political system and fundamental rights and on the role of the National Assembly, the President and the People’s Courts. 

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