Forensic Science Communications
A Peer-reviewed full text online journal "Forensic Science Communications" dates from April 1999 (Vol. 1 No. 1) to April 2010 (Vol.12 No. 2). No longer published, but archive still available.
A Peer-reviewed full text online journal "Forensic Science Communications" dates from April 1999 (Vol. 1 No. 1) to April 2010 (Vol.12 No. 2). No longer published, but archive still available.
The Legal Scholarship Network aims to facilitate the distribution of scholarly information related to law, economics and business; it is a division of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). It is free to join the Network, but subscriptions are payable for some of the services offered. Users of the Network can access research papers, conference papers, pre-print journal articles and other scholarly writings, either in the form of abstracts, or as full-text documents. Authors can submit their abstracts and papers online, for possible publication on the LRN website.
Website of the Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR), an online technology law journal from Stanford Law School in the United States. The journal contains scholarly articles on technology and the law, covering the intersection of law, science and technology, and public policy. Articles can be downloaded in pdf format back to about 2017, and abstracts are available back to 2012. The symposia feature includes papers from the STLR online symposia. There are also working papers, student notes and perspectives offering news and comments on aspects of technology and the law.
Western Criminology Review is the official journal of the Western Society of Criminology at Sonoma State University. The goal of WCR is to 'provide an attractive and meaningful outlet for academic areas in criminology and criminal justice'. This site provides peer reviewed papers published in full online in the fields of criminology and social justice. Readers are able to respond to articles and reader comments are subject to peer review. Both the current and past issues are available online.
Website of De Rebus, the online version of the official monthly journal of the Law Society of South Africa. The journal covers a broad range of subjects of interest to the legal profession, including tax matters, labour and family law, civil procedure and third-party matters. Monthly sections are included analysing constitutional cases and new legislation, and new developments in the legal profession. Issues of De Rebus are made freely available on the site in full-text back to 1998.
Ballot Access News is an independent non-partisan newsletter published by Richard Winger, a leading American lawyer, which provides information on 'third parties' and 'independent' candidates in American politics. In particular it focuses on ballot access laws in the USA and presents a critique of what the author regards as 'restrictive practises'. These centre on the difficulties independents have in participating in election campaigns because of legal restrictions. The web version of the newsletter contains the full-text of all editions from 1994 onwards.
The Web Journal of Current Legal Issues was the first UK general law journal to be published purely electronically on the web. The award-winning journal contains refereed scholarly articles, comments and case notes and is published bi-monthly by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The focus of the journal is on current legal issues in judicial decisions, law reform, legislation, legal research, policy related socio-legal research, legal education, information technology and practice.
Website of The Journal of South Pacific Law which is published by the School of Law at the University of the South Pacific and made freely available online in full-text. Content is focused on the laws of the South Pacific region including the jurisdictions of the Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The journal publishes a wide range of material and legal research including refereed articles, working papers, conference reports, case notes and book reviews.
Website for the Journal of Intellectual Property Law, edited by students of the University of Georgia School of Law. The journal is published biannually, and focuses on issues of interest to the intellectual property legal community, including patent, trademark, copyright, unfair trade, entertainment and other related topics. The journal includes scholarly articles from leading academics and practising lawyers, as well as student notes. The site includes tables of contents for the current issue, and full-text of the previous issues, although some issues have been omitted completely.
An electronic refereed law journal published by the Faculty of Law at North-West University in South Africa. Articles by legal scholars focus on constitutional and development law in South Africa and may be written in Afrikaans, German, English or Dutch. The site presents the current volume and a collection of earlier issues from volume 1 (1998) onwards. Recent articles have examined the enforcement of socio-economic rights in South Africa, matrimonial property regimes and the effect of globalisation on the development of constitutionalism in South Africa.