Journals full text

Richmond Journal of Law and Technology

Richmond Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is an online American law review, published since April 1995 by students at the University of Richmond School of Law. The journal focuses on the impact that computer-related and other emerging technologies have on the law, in the USA and internationally. The website presents full-text papers from volume 1, issue 1 (April 1995) onwards in HTML and from 2003 onwards in PDF. Recent articles have looked at electronic discovery, use of laptops in law school classrooms and ethical considerations for legal blogs.

Maori Law Review

Website for Maori Law Review, a monthly periodical reporting law affecting Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand/Aotearoa. The Review covers decisions of the Maori Land Court and general courts, reports of the Waitangi Tribunal and publications of government and law schools. The Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 and related law; legislative, regulatory and rule changes are also covered. The site complements the printed version and contains the full-text of all issues from December 1993 onwards except the latest few months. A site search engine is available.

University of Baltimore Law Forum

Web pages for a student law journal produced at the University of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The journal aims to provide information for the Maryland legal community, including sampling of recent court decisions and more substantial articles on the justice system, legal practice and court procedures of state and wider relevance. Articles, commentary and profiles are written by judges, professors, practitioners, and students. The website currently presents full-text issues from 1999 to 2004.

Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law

Website for the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law (ISSN 0892-4480) published twice a year by Florida State University College of Law. The journal publishes articles, essays, comments and book reviews considering a range of environmental topics relating to the state of Florida, Federal US and internationally. The site provides the full-text of articles from volume 10, no.1 (fall 1994) onwards in PDF. The site includes submission and subscription details and includes links to environmental law resources and Florida Government resources on the internet.

Brooklyn Journal of International Law

Web pages for the print journal, Brooklyn Journal of International Law (ISSN 0740-4824, which is published three times a year by students at the Brooklyn Law School, New York, USA. The editors aim to produce a scholarly publication devoted to various developments in the expanding field of international law, with articles covering topics of interest to academic lawyers and practitioners. Articles consider both general international legal matters and legal issues in individual jurisdictions. The print journal was established in 1975.

Brooklyn Law Review

Website of the Brooklyn Law Review (ISSN 0007-2362) a journal published quarterly by students at the Brooklyn Law School. The journal is aimed at jurists, practitioners and scholars and publishes articles covering a broad range of current US legal issues as well as notes and comments on new legislation and case law. One issue in each annual volume focuses on trends and cases in the US Second Circuit. The website presents contents pages from volume 61 (1995) onwards and full text content from volume 66 number 4 (2001) onwards.

Electronic Journal of Comparative Law

The Electronic Journal of Comparative Law (ISSN 1387-3091) is a full-text web-based journal developed in 1997 by Innovatie Wetenschappelijke Informatievoorziening (IWI), the Dutch platform for innovation of the supply of scientific information and sponsored by the law faculties of Maastricht, Tilburg and Utrecht universities in the Netherlands. The journal presents original articles, review articles, book reviews, correspondence, comments and discussion on a wide range of legal issues. The archives gives access to current and back issues of the journal from volume 1, no.

Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review

Website of the Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, a print journal published quarterly by students at Boston College Law School, Newton, USA and made freely available in full text online. Publication began in 1971. Each issue contains articles by prominent outside authors as well as student contributions. The focus on environmental issues is interpreted broadly to allow discussion of related and diverse topics such as global warming, corporate liability for environmental damages, animal rights, the tobacco industry, and kosher food laws.

California Law Review

Website for the California Law Review (CLR) which is edited and published six times a year by students at UC Berkeley School of Law. CLR covers a wide range of legal matters including civil rights, contract law, criminal law, immigration, jurisprudence and restitution from a US perspective. Articles from the current issue can be viewed in full text along with issues back to 2008.

New York University Environmental Law Journal

Comprehensive website for the New York University Environmental Law Journal, established in 1992 at the New York University School of Law. The journal aims to encourage environmental protection and stimulate clear and responsible discussion of environmental law and policy. Articles are written by legal academics, practitioners and students specialising in the field. They consider questions of environmental law and policy from a variety of perspectives. An archive offers full-text articles, notes, speeches and book reviews published in the journal from volume 1, 1992 onwards.

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