Journals full text

Earth Negotiations Bulletin

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin is published online through the Linkages website and produced by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). The Bulletin is intended to provide balanced, objective and informative summaries of international environment and development negotiations. Each volume covers a particular topic, such as a conference or convention, with individual issues providing short news reports on progress. Each volume also contains summary issues which contain full reports and analyses, and has an associated Linkages page with related information.

University Law Review Project

The University Law Review Project was set up by FindLaw and the Coalition of Online Journals to provide a free abstract email service. Users can sign up to receive abstracts of new law review articles by email. Individual journals are arranged, and can be browsed, by subject and the site search engine facilitates full text searching of the law journals featured. The journals are also listed by law school.

European Journal of Law and Technology

The European Journal of Law and Technology (EJLT) was formerly known as the Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT). It is an eLib funded project to provide a peer reviewed journal for legal academics. It is intended to be a "living" journal which is not merely text on screen but will include multimedia features and encourage debate among readers. Regular features include book reviews, software, news items and conference announcements. The first issue was published in January 1996. EJLT is also available on BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute).

Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture

The Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture was created to serve the criminal justice/criminological community by publishing reviews of all types of popular culture artifacts and original essays pertaining to the intersection of popular culture and criminal justice. Reviews were intended to explore the depiction of criminal justice issues in the various forms of popular culture, providing criminal justice educators with suggestions for utilising these mediums as well as how these tools may be gainfully employed in research efforts.

Federal Communications Law Journal

The Federal Communications Law Journal is published by the Federal Communications Bar Association and the Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington. The Journal publishes three issues per year including articles, student notes, commentaries, and book reviews examining issues such as: telecommunications, the First Amendment, broadcasting, telephony, computers, intellectual property, communications and information policy making.

Cornell Law Review

The Cornell Law Review is a journal devoted to the study and analysis of contemporary legal issues and problems. The Review (formerly the Cornell Law Quarterly) has been published continuously since 1915 and is edited by second- and third-year law students chosen on the basis of their academic standing or by a writing competition. The Review is published 6 times a year by the Cornell Law School, New York. About seven years worth of issues are available online in full text. Subscription information is included and back copies are available from William S. Hein & Co.

International Journal of Nuclear Law

Website of the International Journal of Nuclear Law (IJNucL), which is published four times a year by Inderscience. IJNucL is aimed at professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law and provides a forum for analysis of issues relating to nuclear laws and regulations. The journal contains scholarly articles, commentaries, conference papers, news and book reviews covering nuclear legislation, jurisprudence, international agreements licensing, inspection and enforcement, radiation protection and nuclear safety. A sample issue of the journal is available in full, free of charge.

Scandinavian Studies in Law

Free online version of 'Scandinavian Studies in Law', a series of books published by the Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law at Stockholm University. The series covers the law of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and presents articles by Scandinavian lawyers and legal scholars translated into English. Each volume focuses on a particular legal topic. All but the last few volumes can be accessed for free using the 'Sc.St.L. Database'. The  Scandinavian Studies in Law website also includes a list of abbreviations used in the series, and a help page.

World Law Bulletin

The World Law Bulletin is published monthly by the Directorate of Legal Research at the Law Library of Congress and is distributed to members of the United States Congress. The online version is made freely available on the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website as part of their Project on Government Secrecy. Issues are available in full-text (PDF) from 2000 to March 2006. After this date the bulletin becomes the Global Legal Monitor which is described separately on Intute. The bulletin provides news items on foreign law developments including links to original sources.

Mexican Law Review

The Mexican Law Review is an English language publication of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jur¦dicas (Legal Research Institute) at the Universidad Nacional Aut¥noma de M?xico (National Autonomous University of Mexico). The aim of the Law Review is to bring together English translations of articles on Mexican and Latin American law. The Review is published twice a year and issues are available online from 2004 onwards.

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