Journals full text

Solicitors Journal

Website of the Solicitors Journal a weekly subscription journal for the legal profession which is available in hard copy and online. Solicitors Journal has legal news, articles, comment and analysis and recent cases. Content is also arranged by subject areas including property, civil litigation, commercial law, crime and private client issues such as wills, family, pensions and trusts. Articles are archived back to November 2002 and can be searched by keyword and date.

Competition Law Review

The Competition Law Review is a refereed online journal produced by the Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and made freely available on their website (in PDF). The journal is published twice a year and contains scholarly articles focused on modern competition law. Each issue reflects the content of workshops organised by CLaSF. The first issue dates from August 2004. The site also has information on the journal's editorial and refereeing policy, the names of the current Editorial Board and details of an email alerting service.


Online version of The Lawyer magazine, which is produced by business publishing company Centaur Holdings. The site is aimed at the legal profession and includes legal news, feature articles, analysis and business information. Content can be browsed by region and practice area and there are headings for in-house and public service, practice management, law firms and the Bar, jobs and education and training. A number of special supplements and details of awards and events are also provided. A searchable archive extending back to 1994 is also available

Virginia Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Virginia Journal of Law and Technology (VJOLT) an electronic legal journal produced by students at the University of Virginia School of Law. VJOLT contains feature articles focused on the "issues arising from the intersection of law and technology". Issues are available back to 1997 with full-text articles presented in PDF format and abstracts provided in HTML. Articles can be browsed by date or topic including biotechnology, comparative law, emerging technologies, internet, privacy, telecommunications and patent law.

Intellectual Property and Technology Forum

Website of the Intellectual Property and Technology Forum (IPTF) a freely available legal publication produced by students at Boston College Law School. The Forum covers technology law and intellectual property issues including in-depth articles with related links and a commentary section providing opinion pieces, conference proceedings and speeches. The headlines section has shorter articles on focusing on current issues. All pieces are provided in full-text in HTML format. There are details of editors and staff and a link to the IPTF blog.

Melbourne Journal of International Law

The Melbourne Journal of International Law (MJIL) is a peer-reviewed academic journal managed by law students at the University of Melbourne in Australia. It is published twice yearly and covers both public and private international law. The entire series is available on the website, together with details of the Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Honorary Advisory Board.

Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy

The Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy is published irregularly by students at the University of Kansas School of Law. The aim of the journal is to explore "how the law shapes public policy choices and how public policy choices shape the law". The Journal contains scholarly articles, and recent issues are made freely available in PDF format. Recent subjects covered include safety in US schools, government lawyer ethics and information disclosures by government. The site also provides editor details and subscription information.

New York University Law Review

The New York University Law Review is published six times a year by the New York University School of Law. The Law Review includes articles, essays, student notes and book reviews which are made freely available online back to 2007. Recent articles have dealt with subjects such as cybercrime, class actions, administrative law in the 21st century and immigrants and the right to petition. Titles and abstracts are presented in HTML format with the full-text in PDF. The site also gives editor details and subscription information.

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