Journals full text

Justice Policy Journal

Website of the Justice Policy Journal which is the online journal of the Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) a California based non-profit organisation working with young offenders in the criminal justice system. The journal is aimed at researchers and policymakers providing a forum dealing with current justice issues. The Justice Policy Journal is freely available in full-text on the CJCJ's website. Each article has an abstract presented in HTML along with the full-text presented in PDF format.

Australian Journal of Asian Law

The Australian Journal of Asian Law is a joint initiative of the Asian Law Centre at the University of Melbourne, the Law Faculty of the Australian National University and the School of Law at the University of Washington. It is published 3 times a year and includes articles, book reviews and case notes. A link is given on the page to SSRN (Social Science Research Network) where the journal can be viewed and downloaded in full.

Singapore Law Gazette

Website of the Singapore Law Gazette, a quarterly journal published by the Law Society of Singapore. The Gazette contains news, feature articles, legal updates (latest cases and legislation) and regular columns covering the Bar, IT issues and practice tips. It is available on the site back to January 2000.


Journal published by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), covering all aspects of European Union administration. Previously on the EIPA website, the journal is now available from 1992 to 2012 from the Archive of European Integration, an online service run by the University of Pittsburgh in the United States. Each article is provided in pdf format.

Law Library Journal

Website of the Law Library Journal the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) official journal which is made freely available on their website. The Law Library Journal is published quarterly with issues back to Winter 2000 available in full-text and presented in PDF format. The journal contains articles on law, legal materials and librarianship along with reports from conferences, committees and special interest sections and book reviews.

German Law Journal

This online journal contains full-text articles in English covering legal developments in German and European jurisprudence. It is edited by Dr. Russell A. Miller, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Idaho College of Law, and Peer Zumbansen, who holds the Canada Research Chair of Transnational and Comparative Corporate Governance at Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto, Canada. Issues of the journal are available back to October 2000 and are searchable as well as browseable.

Annual Survey of American Law

Website of the online legal journal Annual Survey of American Law which is a student edited journal of the New York University School of Law . The journal was established in 1942 and is concerned with "exploring contemporary legal developments in the United States". The link is to the current issue, but other recent issues back to 1999 are also available online. The journal organises and publishes proceedings from an annual symposium covering particular topics such as law and the media, church and the state, U.S. immigration and the future of public education.


CrimeLine is an online weekly journal made freely available when you register on the website. CrimeLine is produced by Andrew Keogh of Keogh Solicitors and is intended for criminal lawyers featuring legal news, recent cases, new legislation and training. Case digests link to Casetrack providing access to full-text judgments. The site also includes a wiki covering criminal law in England and Wales. Other facilities on the site include a distance-learning CPD scheme, a help page and discussion forum.


Full-text journal of the College of the Europe, featuring articles (Some English, some French) based on proceedings of the annual Colloquium in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross in Brussels. No journal contents prior to 2000. Mainly concerns humanitarian issues such as the Law of War or International Human Rights Law.

Legal Newsletters

Website of the International Law Office in London a company providing free access to a collection of free online legal newsletters. The newsletters can be browsed by law firm name, subject and jurisdiction or searched using keywords. Subject areas include banking, information technology, intellectual property, insurance, media, litigation and white collar crime. Most sections contain an overview of the subject with updates on more specific topics. Free registration is required to access the site.

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