Journals full text


Eucrim is a journal focusing on European criminal law, edited and made freely available online by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. Eucrim is published twice a year and is intended for both practitioners and academics. The site is in English and French and the journal is in English. Users can sign up for free email delivery.

Local Government Lawyer

Website of Local Government Lawyer a UK online journal published by HB Editorial Services Ltd. Local Government Lawyer is made freely available in full text and is aimed at lawyers working for or advising local authorities. The journal features news, articles, comment and analysis on local government law. Topics covered include legal aspects of management, adult social services, children's social services, community safety, employment, housing, litigation, planning and transport. Jobs listings and details of courses and events are also given.


AMICUS is a free online supplement to the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review (CR-CL). It seeks to offer a space for online debate about the latest research on civil rights (with a special emphasis on the civil rights of African-Americans). Although a broad range of other areas of civil rights are also covered including freedoms, online rights. The site includes articles, opinion pieces and a conversations area containing organised debates amongst scholars.

Journal of Legal Analysis

The Journal of Legal Analysis (JLA) is published by Oxford University Press on behlaf of Harvard Law School.  This peer reviewed journal aims to publish the "best legal scholarship from all disciplinary perspectives and in all styles, whether verbal, formal, or empirical". The site has information about the JLA including details of the Editorial Board. Articles are made freely available in full text and can be downloaded in HTML and PDF. Recent topics covered include judicial salaries, equality in criminal law and class action settlements.

Acta Universitatis Danubius -Juridica

Website of the Acta Universitatis Danubius Juridica law review published annually by the Law Faculty of the Danubius University in Romania. The review focuses on legal doctrine, jurisprudence and philosophy and law. Recent articles have dealt with the parliamentary mandate, smuggling and the status of the prosecutor in Romania. Reviews are available online from 2005 onwards and details are given for the Editorial Board and the Scientific Board. The site can be viewed in English, Romanian and French. Articles are presented in full text in either French or English.

Jury Expert

Website of the free electronic journal, Jury Expert: the Art and Science of Litigation Advocacy. The journal is published by the American Society of Trial Consultants (ASTC), a US-based organisation whose members work with attorneys in planning all phases of trial¨including discovery, trial preparation, and jury behaviour. The current issue is available together with previous issues back to May 2005.

Indian Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) a student run journal published by the Law and Technology Committee of the Student Bar Association at the National Law School of India University. IJLT was founded in August 2004 to provide a forum for the discussion of ¶domestic and international legal issues on technology÷. The journal has articles, notes, commentary and features on current developments covering e-commerce, cyber crime, biotechnology, bioethics and intellectual property. The emphasis is on issues affecting developing nations.

Amsterdam Law Forum

The Amsterdam Law Forum is an open access journal produced by the Law Faculty at VU University in Amsterdam. The journal is published quarterly and contains articles on contemporary international, European and comparative law, scientific papers and book reviews.

Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law

Website of the Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law made freely available online by the Waseda University Institute of Comparative Law. Issues from issue 1 (1981) onwards are provided in full text (PDF) with the exception of the most recent issue. Earlier issues are password protected. Each issue contains a number of feature articles and a round up of legal developments in constitutional, international, administrative and labour law, the law of property and obligation, civil procedure and bankruptcy and criminal law and procedure. The Bulletin is mostly in English.

International Journal of Cyber Criminology

Website of the International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC), a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal focusing on "cyber crime, cyber criminal behavior, cyber victims, cyber laws and cyber investigations". The journal is published twice a year by the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in India. The IJCC is made freely available online in full text (PDF) and is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

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