LLRX.com (Law Library Resource Exchange) is a free legal technology web journal for legal information professionals. LLRX is edited by Sabrina Pacifici, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland College for Information Studies and Center for Information Policy, and founder and editor of the legal blog, beSpacific. LLRX provides resource guides, feature articles and columns on legal research and technology issues. Articles can be browsed by date, author, column or subject. The Legal Research section covers federal legislative research, foreign and comparative law and United States law. The section on Librarian Resources includes articles on competitive intelligence, information management, law library management and presentation skills. There is also a section on Legal Technology covering knowledge management, technology reviews, intranets and websites. A database of web links for US state and federal court rules, forms and dockets can be searched or browsed by resource type, jurisdiction or state. The search engine provided can search LLRX.com, LLRX.com and beSpacific or the wider legal web.
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