Government publications

Diário da República

Diário da República, the Portuguese official gazette, is available free on this website. It is now published in two series: legislation appears in Series I and administrative actions in Series II. Series III, which has ceased publication, used to publish official notices. Series I is available from 1910 onwards; Series II from 1990 onwards; and Series III from 1943 to mid-2006 . The site is in Portuguese.

Documents and Publications

Portal to EU official documents and publications and related information, including links to the various EU documents registers and details of EU libraries and archives. Covers official documents of all the EU institutions, including the European Commission, Council of the European Union and European parliament. The site is currently available in twenty-two of the twenty-three official EU languages (all except Irish).

Moniteur Belge

Web pages of the Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad, the official Belgian record which is published daily and includes texts of new laws, royal decrees and ordinances, and new regulations, as well as prominent decisions in Belgian law. The complete text of the Moniteur is available from 22 September 1998, and users can search on the date of publication to display the text for that date. The text can be displayed in French, German or Dutch, and the interface is in Dutch or French. 


Official web pages of the Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria, co-ordinated and operated by the Austrian Federal Chancellery. At present, five sections of the Legal Information System are available on the Internet free of charge: database of Austrian federal law, database of state law, the case law, with full-text of the rulings, of the Administrative Court and of the Constitutional Court, and the norm list of the Administrative Court (the list of citation of regulations). The full-text of the Federal Law Gazette is available, from the 1983 edition onwards.


The official report of the proceedings of the UK Parliament, known as Hansard, available on the Parliament website. House of Commons debates, statements and written answers are provided from November 1988 onwards and House of Lords debates, statements and so on from November 1995 onwards; there is also a link to an archive of digitised Hansard from 1803 to 2005. Hansard on the Parliament website may be browsed by date, MP or peer and other criteria, but there is no search facility.

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation : US Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1873

A collection of historical documents presented by the Library of Congress, recording the construction and development of the United States of America. The documents provide a record of American history in the words of those who built the government. Titles in the collection concerned with the Constitutional Congress and the Constitutional Convention include: Journals of the Continental Congress, Eliot's Debates and Farrand's Record. Statutes and Documents include: Statutes at Large and the US Serial Set.

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)

The e-CFR is a continually updated online version of the US Code of Federal Regulations, produced by the Office of the Federal Register and the Government Publishing Office. The eCFR can be browsed by title/subject and there are simple and advanced search facilities. There is also a link to the annual edition of the Code on the FDsys website. The annual edition is a digitally-signed and authenticated version, unlike the e-CFR: a disclaimer on the eCFR site warns that the eCFR is not the official legal version.

Federal Register

The US Federal Register is available from 1970 onwards from the official Federal Digital System website, browseable by date, with a link to a search facility. The Federal Register is the official daily publication for US federal rules, proposed rules, notices issued by federal agencies, presidential executive orders and other presidential documents. Each issue in pdf format and recent issues are also available in xml. The website is provided by the US Government Publishing Office (GPO).

Public Bill Committees

Web pages which list, and link to, the Public Bill Committee debates, alphabetically by the title of the Bill being considered. The information on each Bill includes the membership of the standing committee, the latest version of the Bill, reports of committee proceedings from different sittings and associated memoranda. The debates are available for parliamentary sessions back to 1997-1998.

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