Government publications

Avalon Project: the United Nations Documents

A set of documents concerning the foundation of the United Nations and its several divisions, provided online by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Includes the UN Charter and other charters and statutes relating to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation; the International Courts of Justice; the World Health Organisation; the International Refugee Organisation, the World Meteorological Organisation; and the International Maritime Convention Organisation.

Avalon Project : Agreement Between the United States and Cuba for the Lease of Lands for Coaling and Naval stations; February 23, 1903

This document has been made available by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School. It is a lease agreement between the United States of and the Republic of Cuba, subject to terms to be agreed at a later date. "For the time required" Cuba agrees to lease land for coaling and naval stations to the USA within specified areas: Guantanamo, Bahia Honda, and the peninsula of Cerro del Morillo and Punta del Carenero. The US also has rights to use and occupy the adjacent waters. The document was signed on 16th February 1903.

Review of civil litigation costs

This section of the Judiciary website is devoted to official reviews of civil litigation costs, from Lord Justice Jackson's prelimary and final reports of 2009 and 2010 onwards. It provides background information about the reviews, the official reports on civil litigation costs, pilot studies, press releases, speeches, responses to consultations and related documents.

Human rights by country

Guide to human rights in UN member states, on the website of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Human rights documents and news are provided for each country. The documents include Special Procedures reports, reports of UN Treaty Bodies and information about the status of human rights treaties. The site is in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.

United Nations and the Rule of Law

This site is maintained by the United Nations to provide information and resources regarding its work on maintaining the rule of law. It offers UN press releases and a repository of UN documents including General Assembly resolutions, reports, norms and standards, guidance and training materials. Topics covered include the rule of law at national and international levels, constitution building, transitional justice, informal justice, peace building and international security.


Juridoc is the law website of New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie), a French overseas territory in the Pacific Ocean. The site is provided by the government of the territory. It includes the full text of the Journal Officiel de la Nouvelle Calédonie (JONC) from 1965 onwards, together with codes, individual laws as amended, judicial decisions and administrative decisions. There is also a page of links to other law websites based in New Caledonia, and beyond. The language of the site is French.

South African Government Information: documents

This part of the South African Government Information website provides access to government publications including legislation, policy documents and documentation provided on provincial government websites. The site offers full text legislation including a copy of the Constitution. There are government notices, documents open for public comment, annual reports of government departments and agencies and downloadable forms.

Yearbook of the United Nations

The Yearbook of the United Nations records the work of the United Nations, covering all areas of its responsibility. Each Yearbook lists all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions. It also contains information on major UN decisions, lists of key personnel and appointments, details of budgets and key UN reforms. The website provides all volumes, 1946-2006. A single volume can be selected from a drop-down menu. There is also a search facility which can search either the entire series or shorter date-ranges.

London Gazette

Website of the London Gazette, the UK's official newspaper of record, which publishes official, regulatory and legal information. Information included in the Gazette covers corporate, defence, environmental, honours, insolvency, planning and transport issues. A number of separate supplements are also published including the Ministry of Defence Supplement, the weekly Company Law Official Notifications and supplements dealing with honours and awards. Recent issues can be browsed by subject and the archive can be searched by date, keyword or issue number.

Diversity and Fairness in the Jury System

Report on Diversity and Fairness in the Jury System written by Cheryl Thomas with Nigel Balmer and published by the Research Unit of the UK Ministry of Justice in June 2007. The report presents findings from the Jury Diversity Project looking at under representation of ethnic minorities on juries and the effect of ethnicity on jury decision making. There are chapters in the report dealing with the following issues: juror summoning; jurors who serve and do not serve; jurors at court and jury decision making.

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