Government publications

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

This section of the European Parliament's website contains the full text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union with detailed commentary on each chapter. Links are provided to relevant national, international and EU laws. Annexes contain reports by independent experts on the safeguarding of fundamental rights in Europe; UN and Council of Europe conventions; and a list of NGOs involved in the field of fundamental rights.

Hong Kong Gazette

Free online version of the official gazette of Hong Kong, in English and Chinese. The Hong Kong Gazette publishes ordinances, regulations, bills, tenders and official notices. Both the main Gazette and its supplements are provided on the website. Issues may be browsed by date, or searched by key word. The Gazette is produced by the Printing Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.

Puerto Rico Self-Determination Legislation

A collection of materials and Internet links made freely available on the Puerto Rico Herald website covering the issues surrounding self-determination for the island. The text of the H.R. 856 United States - Puerto Rico Political Status Act is provided along with selected committee information. The Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act S.472 which calls for a plebiscite of Puerto Rico's citizens to determine the political status of the territory is also included along with background information to the act.

Hong Kong Law Reform Commission Publications

A HKLII database containing reports and consultation papers from the Hong Kong Law Reform Commission in full-text in a range of formats. The service offers options to browse documents separately in reverse date order, supported by full publication and title search facilities. Data is provided by the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong and is also freely available on the internet in the reports and papers section of the Commission's official website.

Northern Territory Consolidated Regulations

An AustLII database featuring consolidated regulations of the Northern Territory of Australia. The system offers a comprehensive search facility, regulation name search, and alphabetical browse list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports

A BAILII database containing reports and consultation papers published by the Irish Law Reform Commission. The database presents documents from 1976 onwards in HTML format. Full search options are supported by browse options, alphabetically by title of paper or chronologically by date of issue. BAILII is a collaborative service aiming to provide public access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. The service is hosted in the UK by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and in Ireland by the Law Faculty, University of Cork.

APEC Competition Policy and Law Database

APEC is a forum for the promotion of open trade and economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The APEC Competition Policy and Law Database is a free resource; it includes members' competition policies and laws, competition decision guidelines, administrative and judicial decisions, international agreements, statistics and other information. A collection of links to official trade and competition websites is also provided.


Collection of freely accessible Finnish law databases produced under the auspices of the Finnish Ministry of Justice (Oikeusministeri¸). Finlex has an English language interface outlining the nature of the legislative materials included, however the majority of texts are only available in Finnish, Swedish or Sami. It encompasses all laws and decrees published in the Finnish Statute Series since 1987 and compilations of laws and statutes published before 1987. Texts of legislation published after 1995 are available to download in PDF format.

Anti-money Laundering Efforts in the Securities Industry

Report on investigations into anti money laundering efforts in the United States securities industry, carried out by the US General Accounting Office (GAO) and published on their website. The GAO is a non-partisan agency within the legislative branch of the US government, established by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 with a remit to independently audit government agencies.

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