Government bodies

Judiciary of Brunei Darussalam

The website of the Brunei Judiciary provides background information on the structure, aims, mission and history of the courts in Brunei Darussalam. The roles of the Supreme Court, the Subordinate Courts, the Intermediate Courts and the Bankruptcy and Probate Offices are outlined and cause lists provided. Case statistics for the various courts are given along with a page of contact details for law firms based in Brunei. The site can be viewed in English and Malay.

Republic of Cyprus: Government Web Portal

Official website of the Republic of Cyprus. The Government section provides legislation arranged by subject (some of it in English translation) and a link to the Cyprus Government Gazette ('Episemos Ephemeris', Greek only, December 2004 onwards). It also has links to government departments' websites, the Presidency website and other official sites. There is information for citizens and businesses on a wide range of topics, including official forms and links to online services. The website is available in either Greek or English.

Government of Bhutan

Official web portal of the Government of Bhutan. The site has an introduction to Bhutan providing basic information on the location, population, language, economy, politics, society and international relations of the kingdom. Links and contact details are given for the various ministries and other official bodies, members of the judiciary and the National Assembly. Selected legislation is provided in full text in English including a copy of the Constitution. Government publications and forms are also made available.

Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Official website of the government of Slovenia. The site provides background about Slovenia covering its history, culture, economy, tourism and an outline of government administration in Slovenia. There is information about and links to the various ministries and offices and an outline of the structure and role of the Slovenian government. Press releases concerning government activities and Slovenian news items are also given along with a selection of audio and video clips. The site can be viewed in English and Slovenian.

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) is a Council of Europe human rights body. Its mandate is to monitor the treatment of detainees and prisoners in its member nations in order to protect and promote their human rights. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation, its operation and activities. It includes press releases, annual reports and reports on individual nations from 1989 to date.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights is an independent institution within the Council of Europe. Its website provides information on the Commissioner's work, including articles, reports, speeches and press releases. The reports include annual surveys of human rights law and legislation in the Council of Europe area, observation reports from individual nations and thematic reports on topics such as the protection of human rights for the Roma, minority ethnic group rights, protection of the rights of children and women and actions against human trafficking.

Bénin Government Portal

The Bénin Government website provides information on the Government's activities and primary objectives. There is an overview of Bénin covering its history, economy, society and infrastructure. Information is given on the role and functions of the various government ministries and other governmental bodies including the High Court of Justice, the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court and the President of the Republic. A copy of the Bénin Constitution can be viewed in French as a PDF document and a copy of the Bénin Investment Code is presented in English.

Council of Representatives of Bahrain

Official Website of Bahrain's parliament which consists of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council (consultative council). The site provides background and historical information about the Kingdom of Bahrain and its progress towards democracy. There is information on the members, structure and committees of the House of Representatives along with an outline of the parliamentary process. Annual reports and other official publications are given in English. Legislation, treaties and parliamentary questions are available in Arabic only.


Government of the Sultanate of Oman

This page provides information on the government of Oman and forms part of the Ministry of Information's website. There is an overview of the Omani legal system and an outline of the roles of the Council of Oman (Majlis Oman), the State Council (Majlis al Dawla) and the Consultative Council (Majlis al-Shura). Information is given on the development of the legal system in Oman including the Basic Law of the State, the establishment of a Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the courts system.

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