Government bodies

Majlis Ash Shura

Website of the Majlis Ash Shura (national Consultative Council) of Saudi Arabia. Members of the Majlis Ash Shura are appointed by the King and their role is to advise the him on issues of public interest. The site has basic facts about Saudi Arabia and the Shura Council including an organisation chart and profiles of members. Laws and internal rules and regulations relating to the Shura Council are also provided. The site can be viewed in English and Arabic.

Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia

Website of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. The site gives information on the structure and role of the Assembly and a history of the Assembly building. There is also an outline of the legislative procedure, profiles of members and details of the various standing working bodies who consider laws to be adopted by the Assembly. The Constitution and the rules and procedures of the Assembly are available in full text in English. The site also includes speeches of the President of Macedonia and details of delegations.

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Website of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNFPII), an advisory body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, whose role is to provide expert advice and raise awareness of indigenous issues in the UN. The site has information on the history and development of the UNFPII, profiles of members and a calendar of events. Official documents and resolutions relating to indigenous issues can be viewed on the site in a variety of languages along with documents and recommendationsfrom from sessions of the UNFPII.

Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The site has background information about the court, its jurisdiction and role under the Constitution along with court rules. The Constitution itself can be viewed on the site in HTML. Decisions of the court are available online back to 1997 in a range of formats. News and press releases are provided along with a selection of FAQs on making an appeal to the court. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia

Official Website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. The site provides information about the Assembly's activities including minutes of Assembly meetings and those of various committees. A full-text copy of the Constitution can be viewed in a range of formats along with a copy of the Rules of Procedure which covers the role of the President, the relationship between the National Assembly and other bodies such as the government and the Constitutional Court and the procedure for adopting laws. There is also a history of the National Assembly.

President of the Republic of Bulgaria

This is the official website of the President of Bulgaria. It is available in English or Bulgarian language versions. The English language site offers information on the function of the president and his/her current activities. It includes a biography of the current president, plus access to recent press releases, articles, statements and speeches. Information about the vice-president is also accessible. All aspects of foreign and domestic policy are covered.

National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Official website of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. There is a brief history of the National Assembly along with background information on the role, functions and organisation of the National Assembly and its various committees. Details of members for each province are given. The site also has full text legislation given in English including a copy of the Laos Constitution.The site is available in Lao and English.

Central Bank of Libya

Official Website of the Central Bank of Libya. The site provides background information about the bank including an outline of its functions. The exchange rates of major foreign currencies are given on the site and the bank's Economic Bulletin provides monetary and banking statistics. Electronic versions of Libyan banking laws regulating the Central Bank are presented in a range of formats and translated into English. The site can be viewed in Arabic and English.

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