Government bodies

African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights was established in 1986 to promote human rights in Africa. Its website provides information on its aims, history, membership and activities. It includes access to its full-text charters, legal documents and treaties relating to human rights law in Africa. Also accessible are resolutions, press releases, communiques and country reports. These cover all aspects of human rights and civil liberties.

Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC), an independent non-departmental public body set up in 2005 to select candidates for judicial office. The site has information about the role and history of the Commission and biographical details of the Commissioners. Publications relating to the work of the JAC are available on the site including a business plan and a framework document. There are speeches, news items and details of events. A page describing the selection process is also provided on the site.

Office of the Information Commissioner Ireland

This is the official website of the Information Commissioner who is responsible for overseeing the implementation and operation of the Freedom of Information Act in Ireland. Its website provides access to information about the role of the Commissioner, his/her duties and current activities. It includes access to the full-text legislation, decisions made relating to FOI by the Commissioner, fact sheets, reports and transcripts of speeches from 2001 to date. Selected decisions of the Commissioner can be viewed on the site.

New York State Law Revision Commission

Website of the New York State Law Revision Commission whose role is to examine defects and anachronisms in state law and make recommendations for reform. The site has information on the purpose and organisation of the Commission and profiles of Commission members. Recent Commission meeting notices as well as studies and reports are made freely available on the site in PDF format. A few webcasts of reports and meetings concerning the Commission's Alcoholic Beverage Control Law study are also available through Windows Media, Adobe Flash, or low speed video.

East African Community

The East African Community is an intergovernmental regional organisation which seeks to promote social, economic and political cooperation between the African nations of Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Kenya. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation, its members and current activities. It provides free access to recent press releases, communiques, annual reports, full-text treaties and other documents. Topics covered include free trade and fiscal policies in Africa, economic aid, health policy, democratic and political development.

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan

Website of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan in Canada. This is a statutory body set up to review the law in Saskatchewan covering areas proposed by the Minister of Justice, the legal community and the public. Subjects currently under review include democracy, aboriginal peoples, human rights, families and children, vulnerable adults, communities and the environment, administrative law and procedure and technical legal issues. The site has copies of the Commission's publications including consultation papers and proposals for changes in legislation or new laws.

Rules and Policies

This page forms part of the United States Courts website and makes available rules of practice, procedure and evidence currently in use in the federal courts. There are full-text copies of rules, background information on the rulemaking process, proposed and past amendments and minutes of relevant committee meetings such as the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure and the Advisory Committee on Rules of Civil Procedure.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales a statutory body whose purpose is to "advance the fairness and equity of the justice system, and to improve access to justice, especially for socially and economically disadvantaged people". The site has information about the Foundation's activities and research and profiles of members of the Board of Governors. Details are given of ongoing and completed projects along with copies of the Foundation's newsletters, guidelines and annual reports which can be freely downloaded from the site.

Queensland Human Rights Commission

Website of the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC), the statutory body responsible for administering the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 in Queensland, Australia. The QHRC promotes equality of opportunity and deals with complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of the Anti-Discrimination Act. A selection of information brochures are provided on the site dealing with various aspects of discrimination including sexual harassment, age discrimination, gender identity, disability discrimination and racial and religious vilification.

Judicial Commission of New South Wales

Website of the independent Judicial Commission of New South Wales, a statutory body whose functions include reviewing sentencing practice, providing judicial training and examining complaints against judicial officers. The site has information about the Judicial Commission and details of members and principle officers. The Commission produce a series of studies on particular aspects of sentencing policy in NSW.

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