Government bodies

Employment Tribunal

Employment tribunal section of the UK government website. Provides information about making a claim to an employment tribunal and what to do if you are taken to a tribunal. Also makes available forms, procedure rules and practice directions and links to a database of employment tribunal decisions.

Citizens Information

Irish eGovernment website provided by the Citizens Information Board offering information on the social and civil rights of everyone living in Ireland. The site is aimed at the general public and endeavours to be user-friendly and readily accessible. Information is presented under various topical headings reflecting consumer interests, public services and life events: housing, health, birth, personal finance, culture and recreation, justice, etc. The justice section includes information on legal aid, going to court, being a witness, and jury service.

European Commission's Trade Department

This is part of the website of the European Commission's Directorate General for Trade. It is devoted to EU trade policy instruments and the WTO system of international trade. It includes a database of information about WTO disputes involving the EU. There are sections about the Trade Barriers Regulation, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules, safeguards, the Injurious Pricing Regulation, trade defence instruments and EU Monitoring of third country commercial defence actions. Legislation, reports and other documents are provided and an overview of each topic is given.

National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus

Online portal to Belarus legal information provided by the state National Center of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus (NCLI). The site provides an outline of the Belarus legal system and the legislative process. There is government information and news covering Belarus legal developments. Access is also given to the Belarus legislation databank "ETALON" which contains over 12000 legal acts made freely available online in Russian.

Independent Review Service for the Social Fund

Website of the Independent Review Service (IRS) for the Social Fund in the United Kingdom. The role of the IRS is to provide an independent review of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in Jobcentre Plus offices. The site has information on the IRS's organisational structure and business objectives and guidance on applying to the Social Fund for a community care grant, crisis loan or budgeting loan. There is also advice on applying for a review of decisions made covering community care grants, crisis loans, budgeting loans and overpayment decisions.

Competition Commission of South Africa

The Competition Commission is a statutory body of the South African Government whose role is to "investigate, control and evaluate restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy." The site gives background information to competition policy in South Africa and the work of the Commission. Procedural information is given on the different aspects of the Commission's work including mergers and acquisitions, prohibited practices, exemptions and advisory opinions.

UK Border Agency

The Border and Immigration Agency, ( formerly The Immigration and Nationality Directorate) is an executive agency of the Home Office. Its function is to control borders and manage immigration to the UK. Its website provides government press releases, legislation, statistical data and research reports.

Office of the Schools Adjudicator

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) which was set up under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Schools Adjudicators make decisions relating to school organisation issues and admission arrangements in cases that cannot be resolved locally. The website provides access to the decisions of the OSA. If these decisions have been subject to judicial review these proceedings are also included online. There are profiles of the Schools Adjudicators, guidance to the process and copies of the relevant legislation that is linked to on the site.

Valuation Tribunal Service

Website of the Valuation Tribunal Service (VTS). There are 56 Valuation Tribunals in England and 4 in Wales whose role is to hear appeals relating to Non-Domestic Rates and Council Tax. The website includes full text decisions and appeals listed for hearing back to October 1999. Decisions can be searched by appeal number, postcode or using a free text search option. Guidance documents give advice on making an appeal along with a selection of FAQs. Newsletters focusing on changes in the valuation law are aimed at staff within the tribunal service and can be viewed on the site.

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