Government bodies

Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator

Website of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), an independent registrar and regulator responsible for the regulation of charities in Scotland, and part of the Scottish Administration. . The Scottish Charity Register can be searched by charity name, number or address. A framework document provides further information on the OSCR 's status, management and financial arrangements and this can be viewed in PDF on the site. There is also a selection of FAQs and a page of relevant Web links.

Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Website of the Mexican Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), a government agency with responsibility for environmental protection. Most of the site is in Spanish, but English translations of a number of key documents and some background information are provided. Documents include the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection and a summary of the Environmental Justice Administration Program 2001-2006. The section from the Criminal Code dealing with Environmental Crimes is also included on the site.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Office of the High Representative

The Office of the High Representative 'is an ad hoc international institution responsible for overseeing implementation of civilian aspects of the accord ending the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina'. The High Representative is also the EU Representative. This site also contains the full text of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Word document. by the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

State of Israel Judicial Authority

Official website of the Supreme Court of Israel, available in Hebrew and English. The site describes the role and function of the courts and the judiciary. A selection Supreme Court judgements is available on the site in PDF format. There is historical background information and guidance on the court system, covering the Supreme Court, District Courts, Magistrates' Courts and Juvenile Courts, along with the various tribunals. There is also information about individual judges.


Ofcom is a UK official body created in December 2003 from five former telecommunications watchdogs and regulatory authorities- the Broadcasting Standards Commission, Independent Television Commission (ITC), Oftel (Office of Telecommunications), Radio Authority and Radiocommunications Agency. Its role is to regulate all aspects of the British telecommunications sector. This includes TV and radio broadcasting, digital media, mobile phones and land based telephones. The website provides information on the role of the body and its current activities.

Secretariat for Legal Affairs, Organization of American States

The Secretariat for Legal Affairs forms part of the Organization for American States (OAS) providing advice and legal services to the OAS in the field of public international law and private international law. The OAS is a regional forum for dialogue and cooperation on political, economic and social issues in the Americas. The site explains the work of the Inter-American Specialized Conferences on Private International Law (CIDIP) who produce international instruments such as conventions, protocols, uniform documents and model laws which are provided on the site.

Trademark and Patent Assignments on the Web

The Trademark Assignments and Patent Assignments on the Web databases are provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and made freely available on their website. The trademark database provides information on ownership of trademarks from 1955 to date and patent information is available from 1980 onwards. The database can be searched using a range of criteria including registration or serial number and by assignor or assignee name, applicant name or registrant name.

First-Tier Tribunal - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The First-Tier Tribunal -Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) forms part of the Tribunals Service and hears appeals from parents of children with special educational needs against decisions made by local education authorities (LEAs) regarding their children's education. The Tribunal was previously know as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST). The site has sections aimed at parents and LEAs providing guidance on how to appeal, facts and figures about the Tribunal and information on the role and powers of the Tribunal.

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

Website of the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council of Australia whose role is to advise "the Commonwealth Attorney-General on the development of high quality, economic and efficient ways of resolving disputes without the need for a judicial decision". There is background information about NADRAC including workplans, annual reports and a copy of NADRAC's charter which are all available to download in a variety of formats. A selection of free resources explaining the ADR process are also available along with statistics on ADR in Australia.

Australian Human Rights Commission

Website of the Australian Human Rights Commission, a government body set up in 1986 to protect human rights and equal opportunities in Australia. The site describes the work of the Commission providing links to relevant legislation, details of its functions and powers and profiles of the Commissioners. Submissions on various issues to State Parliaments, Courts, Inquiries and the United Nations are made available in full text online.

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