Government bodies

Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

This is the official Website of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. This is "the highest judicial authority both in civil and criminal law with the exception of the matters concerning the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic." The whole site is available in Czech, with information about the Court (its history, structure, judges and more) in English and French.

Labour Court

Website of the Irish Labour Court (An Chuirt Oibreachais), a tribunal dealing with disputes concerning industrial relations, the minimum wage and equality. The site has a guide to the work of the Court and provides its recommendations, determinations and decisions, as well as court forms and procedural guidelines. Annual reports are available as PDF documents back to 1999.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) deals with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the blameless victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales. CICA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. Its webpages, hosted by the official website Gov.UK, gives access to its reports and other publications.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

This is the official website of the Armenian Parliament. It provides access to information on the history and current operation of the Parliament. The English language version of the site contains parliamentary news, plus the text of the constitution and rules of procedure. There are profiles of members and full text legislation can be downloaded in PDF. Laws can searched by keyword and browsed alphabetically or by subject. The site can be viewed in English, Russian and Armenian.

Queensland Courts

Website of the Queensland Courts in Australia, administered by the Supreme Court Library. Includes information about the Supreme Court, District Courts, Magistrates' Courts, Children's Court, and Mental Health Court, as well as the tribunals, such as the Consumer and Commercial Tribunal and the Land and Resources Tribunal. Judgments from the Queensland courts are available, along with practice directions and links to state legislation.

Commonwealth Ombudsman Australia

Website of the Australian Commonwealth Ombudsman whose role is to "investigate complaints from people who believe they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably by a Commonwealth Government department or agency". The site provides guidance to resolving complaints and disputes and full-text copies of the Ombudsman's investigations. These are available online back to 1997 and are presented in PDF.

Tasmania Department of Justice

Website of the Department of Justice in Tasmania. This department consists of a number of divisions including the Crown Solicitor, Director of Public Prosecutions, Legal Aid Division, Legal Ombudsman, courts and tribunals, the Prison Service and the Parole Board. The site provides background information to the work of these divisions along with full-text copies of their annual reports and other documentation. Publications are presented in either PDF or HTML formats. It is possible to search the entire site by keyword using the site search engine.

Union Du Maghreb Arabe

This is the official website of the Arab Maghreb Union, the international organisation which seeks closer social, political and economic cooperation between the Maghreb Arab nations. Members include: Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania and Algeria. It provides information on the aims of the organisation, facts about its member nations and details of recent activities, conferences and summits. It also includes access to the full-text of recent economic trade agreements and treaties signed by the group. The site is offered in French or Arabic.

Gazdasági Versenyhivatal

This is the official website of Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH), the Hungarian authority that is " ... responsible for the supervision of competition ... " in Hungary. The website outlines the purpose of the authority and lists its organisational structure. It includes a section on competition rules applicable to the Hungarian and European Community markets, and other related acts such as business, advertising, and communication. The site contains the decisions brought by the competition council dating back to 1997.

Victims of Crime in Scotland

The Victims of Crime in Scotland website aims to provide information and advice for victims of crime. The site gives guidance on different aspects of the Scottish Criminal Justice System covering the different stages of the legal process such as reporting a crime, arrest, prosecution, attending court, sentencing and compensation. The site provides details of where victims can go for support,and links to related websites covering the police, solicitors, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and victim support groups.

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