Government bodies

Council for Licensed Conveyancers

Website of the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) the body responsible for regulating, training and issuing annual licences to licensed conveyancers (specialist property lawyers). The Directory of Licensed Conveyancers can be searched on the website by name or region. There is guidance to using a licensed conveyancer, a guide to professional conduct covering compliance, conduct and discipline and details of the CLC's complaints procedure.

President of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the President of the Republic of Lithuania The site provides a profile of the President and first lady. There is information about the President's activities including copies of speeches, press releases, interviews and details of visits. The site has background information to the legal framework of the Presidency which covers the election of the president, the powers of the president and the presidential household. The site also includes historical information and photographs of the Presidential Palace. The site is available in Lithuanian and English.

Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the Lithuanian Government. This site includes a profile of the Prime Minister and other ministers and links to the various government departments. There is a database of Lithuanian laws and other legal documents going back to 1883. These can be searched by institution document type, date, language and various other parameters. The records provide the full-text of the law in HTML or Word and there are links to related documents. Laws are available in a range of languages but most appear in either English, Russian or Lithuanian.

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice. The site has an article giving a brief history of the Lithuanian legal system and a list of Ministers of Justice since 1990. Brief information is given on the Ministry's work in various areas including criminal justice, legislative process, consumer rights protection and registration of political parties. There are contact details (including web links) to institutions subordinate to the Ministry such as the Prisons Department, the State Patent Bureau and the Law Institute. The site is available in English and Lithuanian.

Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske

Official website of the Supreme Court of Croatia. The site explains the structure of the court and gives information on judicial power in Croatia. It also has an outline of the court system. Details of public sessions and court statistics are given, along with summaries of articles by justices of the court. There is also a page of links to other Croatian courts. The site can be viewed in English and Croatian

Ustavni Sud Republike Hrvatske

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Croatia which is based in Zagreb. The site provides profiles of the President and the judges of the Constitutional Court and related legal documents including the Croatian Constitution in full-text and the Rules of Procedure of the Court. There is background, historical and organisational information on the Court and its jurisdiction. Full text decisions of the Court can be searched or browsed on the site in Croatian only. The website can be viewed in Croatian and English.

Ured Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske

Official website of the Croatian President. The site has a profile of the President along with a collection of his speeches and news items relating to the President's official activities. There is information on the role of the President as set down in the Croatian Constitution and contact details for the President's advisers.This site is also available in Croatian.

Setting up and running a charity

The Charity Commission for England and Wales provides information about running small charities in this section of its website. It has operational guidance which includes an overview of the law and model forms, letters and declarations. There is a selection of information sheets which look at winding up a small charity, permanent endowment and disposing of land.

Parliament of Zimbabwe

Official website of the Parliament of Zimbabwe. The site describes the functions, structure and current activities of the parliament and its committees. The Constitution of Zimbabwe is available on the site, together with Hansard (parliamentary debates) from 2004 onwards and lists of current Members of Parliament.

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